
The fastest XML/HTML entities decoder.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import speedyEntities from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/speedy-entities';


speedy-entities build

The fastest XML/HTML entity decoder that supports customizable named character references.

npm install --save-prod speedy-entities


⚠️ API documentation is available here.

Preconfigured decoders

There are two preconfigured decoders: decodeXml and decodeHtml.

import {decodeXml, decodeHtml} from 'speedy-entities';

decodeXml('&#X61;&#98;&lt;'); // → "ab&lt"
decodeHtml('&ltfoo&AElig'); // → "<foo\u00c6"

By default, decodeHtml supports only legacy HTML entities. This allowed to reduce the bundle size to just 2.3 kB gzipped.

The list of legacy HTML entities

aacute, Aacute, acirc, Acirc, acute, aelig, AElig, agrave, Agrave, amp, AMP, aring, Aring, atilde, Atilde, auml, Auml, brvbar, ccedil, Ccedil, cedil, cent, copy, COPY, curren, deg, divide, eacute, Eacute, ecirc, Ecirc, egrave, Egrave, eth, ETH, euml, Euml, frac12, frac14, frac34, gt, GT, iacute, Iacute, icirc, Icirc, iexcl, igrave, Igrave, iquest, iuml, Iuml, laquo, lt, LT, macr, micro, middot, nbsp, not, ntilde, Ntilde, oacute, Oacute, ocirc, Ocirc, ograve, Ograve, ordf, ordm, oslash, Oslash, otilde, Otilde, ouml, Ouml, para, plusmn, pound, quot, QUOT, raquo, reg, REG, sect, shy, sup1, sup2, sup3, szlig, thorn, THORN, times, uacute, Uacute, ucirc, Ucirc, ugrave, Ugrave, uml, uuml, Uuml, yacute, Yacute, yen and yuml

To decode all HTML entities import from speedy-entities/lib/full. The size of this bundle is 12.5 kB gzipped.

import {decodeXml, decodeHtml} from 'speedy-entities/lib/full';

decodeXml('&#X61;&#98;&lt;'); // → "ab&lt"
// → "\u2aa2\u0338\u2233"

You can manually add entities that decodeXml and decodeHtml would recognize:

import {decodeXml, decodeHtml, xmlEntityManager, htmlEntityManager} from 'speedy-entities';

xmlEntityManager.set('foo', 'okay');
decodeXml('&foo;'); // → "okay"

htmlEntityManager.set('bar', 'nope');
decodeHtml('&bar;'); // → "nope"

Custom decoders

You can create a custom decoder that would recognize custom entities.

import {createEntityDecoder, createEntityManager} from 'speedy-entities';

// Create an entity manager
const entityManager = createEntityManager();

// Register a new entity
entityManager.set('foo', 'okay');

// Register a new legacy entity
entityManager.set('bar', 'nope', true);

// Register a batch of entities
  foo: 'okay',
  qux: 'yeah',

// Create a decoder
const decode = createEntityDecoder(entityManager);

// Decode non-legacy entities
decode('&foo'); // → "&foo"
decode('&foo;'); // → "okay"

// Decode legacy entities
decode('&bar'); // → "nope"
decode('&bar;'); // → "nope"

// Decode numeric character references
decode('&#X61;&#x62;&#x63;'); // → "abc"


Clone this repo and use npm ci && npm run perf to run the performance testsuite.

Results are in millions of operations per second. The higher number is better.

"&#X61;&#x62;&#x63;" 2.36 1.25 2.29 0.88
"&#X61&#x62&#x63" 4.61 3.00 2.39 0.72
"&#97;&#98;&#99;" 2.24 0.71 2.25 0.92
"&#97&#98&#99" 5.09 3.07 2.21 0.88
"&amp;&lt;&gt;" 3.98 1.28 3.34 1.06
"&amp&lt&gt" 4.08 3.10 3.46 1.02
"&NotNestedGreaterGreater;" 6.47 1.84 3.80 1.64
"&NotNestedGreaterGreater" 6.44 2.74 4.00 2.41