
Mozilla Hubs Speelycaptor service rewritten with just hapiJS for self-hosting

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import speelycaptorHapi from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/speelycaptor-hapi';



Mozilla Spellycaptor AWS Lambada without the AWS Lambada

what is this?

This is a rewritten version of the Speelycaptor server.

Instead of using S3, temporary files are created with randomly generated names.

The S3 upload URL is handled over a /push/$file endpoint

how to use?

First create a config.yaml

  port: 1234 # choose your own and put it behind a reverse proxy
externalUrl: 'https://speelycaptor.your-server.tld' # put the external URL (behind reverse proxy) here
# optional: put the temporary files somewhere else
# tmpFolder: '/storage/speelycaptor-tmp'

Then run the server node src/bin.js

(for production npm i -g speelycaptor-hapi and store config in /etc/speelycaptor.yaml)


We support nixOS!

Add it to your flake like so

inputs.speelycaptor.url = "github:mkg20001/speelycaptor-hapi/master";

And use the module

{ ... , speelycaptor }:
  modules = [
    ({ ... }: {
      nixpkgs.overlays = [ speelycaptor.overlay ];
      services.speelycaptor.enable = true;