
IT Words Dictionary for eslint-plugin-speller

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import spellerItWords from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/speller-it-words';



IT Words Dictionary for eslint-plugin-speller


Recently, I started working on an ESLint plugin called eslint-plugin-speller. It uses the nspell package, which supports spell checking. It is possible to attach national dictionaries, but so far I have not found one set of words used in IT projects (e.g. technology names, specific words for given technologies, company and product names) - some of these words are proper names, abbreviations, so they should not be treated as incorrect. So I decided to create a set of words about the IT industry. I hope it will be helpful.


$ npm install speller-it-words --save-dev

How to use it

const words = require("speller-it-terms").getWords();


const words = require("speller-it-terms").getWordsArray();

What's next?

500 words to start. Over time, the number of words will increase. I also wanted to divide the words more contextually, depending on the technology.