
Automatically creates controllers, DAOs, DTOs, converters, services and repositories

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import springfast from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/springfast';


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Automatically creates controllers, DAOs, DTOs, converters, services and repositories


Install SpringFast globally on your system:

npm i -g springfast

Project initialization

  1. Navigate to the folder where you want your project to be generated (a folder with the project name will be automatically created)

  2. Execute

  1. Follow the onscreen instructions

Project configuration and generation of classes

SpringFast can configure your application.yml with the server port and database connection parameters. It can also generate DAOs, DTOs, controllers, services and repositories.

  1. Navigate to the project folder

  2. Execute

  1. SpringFast will automatically recognize that it's a Spring project and you will have to follow the onscreen instructions


Build and run on Windows: npm run build; npm i -g .; springfast

Build and run on Linux: npm run build && npm i -g . && springfast