
A spring physics based keyframe generator to be used with Web Animation API. Fast and simple.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import springframes from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/springframes';



A spring physics based keyframe generator to be used with Web Animation API. Fast and simple.



Property Default Required Type Details
dx - true number Displacement on X axis
dy - true number Displacement on Y axis
deg 0 false number Rotation (degrees)
scale 1 false number Scale (unstable)
reverse false false boolean Revert order of keyframes
stiffness 500 false number Spring stiffness
damping 50 false number Spring damping ratio
mass 1 false number Spring mass


Simply import createSpringAnimation function and pass it displacement on X axis and Y axis. Other options are not required as you can see from the table above. You will get an object with keyframes and frames properties: keyframes are what you pass to KeyframeEffect and frames are used to calculate duration.

import { createSpringAnimation } from "springframes";

const { keyframes, frames } = createSpringAnimation({
  dx: 500,
  dy: 500,
  stiffness: 700,
  mass: 2,
  damping: 10,

if (keyframes.length > 0) {
  const kfEffect = new KeyframeEffect(square, keyframes, {
    duration: (frames / 60) * 1000,
    fill: "both",
    easing: "linear", // This must be linear!
    iterations: 1,

  animation = new Animation(kfEffect);


You can play with it here:

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