
The official Semantic-UI-React integration.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import stardust from '';


The official Semantic UI + React integration.


Gitter Circle CI Codecov Gemnasium npm

Hey, we're in development. Prior to reaching v1.0.0:

  1. MINOR versions represent breaking changes
  2. PATCH versions represent fixes and features
  3. There are no deprecation warnings between releases
  4. You should consult the CHANGELOG and related issues/PRs for more information

Voice Your Opinion :speech_balloon:

Help shape this library by weighing in on our RFC (request for comments) issues.

How Can I Help? :hand:

Documentation :blue_book:

Getting started


npm i stardust -S



import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { Button } from 'stardust'

export default class TryStardust extends Component {
  render() {
    return <Button>Hello</Button>


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <title>Try Stardust</title>

  <!-- SUI CSS -->
  <link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
  <script src="bundle.js"></script>

We then use Webpack to create bundle.js from App.js and include it in index.html.

For more complete examples, check out the Doc Site.


We use the debug module for debugging. You can turn debugging on and off via the localStorage.debug flag from the browser console. See the debug docs for more.

localStorage.debug = 'stardust:*'         // default, debug all components
localStorage.debug = 'stardust:dropdown'  // debug only the dropdown
localStorage.debug = null                 // turn debug off

Once you change the flag, you need to refresh your browser to see the changes in debug output.

How Can I Help?

Our is a step-by-step setup and development guide. It is meant to be read from top to bottom. Once you're up to speed, each issue here includes more information on how you can help:

v1.0 Migrations

Have a look at the task list on the issue to see where you can jump in.

Missing Components

We're seeking component parity with Semantic UI, plus some addons. There is an issue for every missing component, labeled enhancement help wanted. Just comment on the issue you'd like to take.

Help Wanted Label

Any other issue labeled help wanted is ready for a PR.

Our Principles

TechnologyAdvice has been dogfooding Stardust in production since fall of 2015. This living list is updated as we iterate. We'll lock it in as our v1.0 constitution soon.

  • No jQuery dependency
  • No animation dependencies
  • Reuse SUI CSS transitions
  • Complete keyboard support
  • Complete SUI component definition support
  • Completely documented
  • Completely tested
  • Abstract away HTML markup intricacies


Elements Collections Views Modules Behaviors
x Button x Breadcrumb _ Advertisement x Accordion x Form Validation
x Container x Form x Card x Checkbox API (NA)
x Divider x Grid _ Comment _ Dimmer Visibility (NA)
x Flag x Menu x Feed x Dropdown
x Header x Message x Item _ Embed
x Icon x Table x Statistic x Modal
x Image _ Nag
x Input _ Popup
x Label x Progress
x List x Rating
x Loader x Search
x Rail _ Shape
_ Reveal _ Sidebar
x Segment _ Sticky
x Step _ Tab
_ Transition


On the latest clean master:

npm run release:major
npm run release:minor
npm run release:patch


Made with :heart: @TechnologyAdvice, a ridiculous place to work.