
Preact bindings for statin.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import statinPreact from '';



Preact bindings for statin reactive state library.

Only function components are supported.


npm install statin-preact


Exports a single observer() function to wrap your reactive components with:

import {h, render} from 'preact';
import {Signal, signal, computed, reaction} from 'statin';
import {observer} from 'statin-preact';

// Create a signal
const seconds = signal(4);

// Create a reactive component
const Counter = observer(function Counter({signal}: {signal: Signal<number>}) {
    return <div>Count is: {signal()}</div>;

// Render the component
render(<Counter signal={seconds} />, document.body);

// Update the signal
    createAction(() => seconds(seconds() + 1)),


TodoMVC using preact, statin, and poutr:


Everything exported by the module:


interface ObserverOptions {
    onError?: (error: unknown) => void;

function observer(component: FunctionComponent, options?: ObserverOptions): FunctionComponent;

Accepts a function component and wraps it to make it reactive.

This component will re-render any time any of the statin signals used inside it changes.

In case the wrapped component throws an error, observer will render null, and either pass the error to the onError listener, or log it to the console.

If any signal used before the error was thrown changes, the observer() will try re-rendering the component again, providing error recovery.


To know where your errors are coming from, simply name the components by naming their functions:

const Foo = observer(function Foo() {});
// this names the component ---^

Apart of providing more descriptive errors, these function names also get automatically removed when minifying the code for production, which makes your bundle smaller with no extra effort.

If you don't want them to get removed, you can always name the function by specifying its displayName property. You can use statin's nameFn() utility for that:

import {nameFn} from 'statin';
import {observer} from 'statin-preact';

const Foo = observer(nameFn('Foo', () => {}));