
What's Up Dock(er)?

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import supdock from '';




What's Up, Dock(er)? A slightly more visual way to interact with the docker daemon. Supdock is a wrapper for the docker command meaning you can still use all of the other docker commands without issues.


Repetitive use of docker ps, docker logs, docker stats and docker exec -ti when troubleshooting complex container setups can get chaotic. Supdock aims to optimize and speed up your workflow using docker.


If you don't want to use supdock and docker separately you can just set an alias.

alias docker="supdock"



npm install -g supdock
yarn global add supdock


Grab a binary from the releases page and move it into your desired bin (eg. /usr/local/bin) location.

mv supdock-<os> /usr/local/bin/supdock
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/supdock


For a basic changelog overview go here. I try to keep track of most general changes as best as I can.


    supdock - What's Up Dock(er)?

    supdock [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


    logs		See the logs of a container
    restart		Restart a running container
    start		Start a stopped container
    stop		Stop a running container
    ssh		SSH into a container
    env		See the environment variables of a running container
    rm		Remove a container
    rmi		Remove an image
    history		See the history of an image
    stats		See the stats of a container
    inspect		Inspect a container
    prune		Remove stopped containers and dangling images. For more detailed usage refer to 'docker system prune -h'
    enable		Enable certain supdock functionality
    disable		Disable certain supdock functionality
    help, h		Shows a list of commands or help for one command

    --help, -h	show help
    --version, -v	print the version

Usage above can differ from the actual usage shown by the command.


As of version 2.2.0 I introduced the option to fuzzy search by name for certain commands. Since this would overwrite the default docker behaviour that was intended to always passthrough, I added an option to enable or disable this functionality. Let me explain with an example.

In the normal supdock behaviour I originally intended commands like supdock logs -f to show a prompt with available options when no id or container name was passed. So when a user passed supdock logs -f foobar it would break the custom functionality and passthrough straight to docker. This made sure supdock wasn't too much of a drastic change to the default docker behaviour.

So coming back to the new fuzzy search. With fuzzy searching enabled you can now search based on a part of the container name like the following: docker logs -f foo. Which then matches your search term foo with the container named foobar. In the versions pre 2.2.0 of supdock it would just passthrough to docker and tell you the foo container didn't exist. This behaviour is disabled by default and can be enabled by doing the following: supdock enable fuzzy-search. And can ofcourse be disabled by using supdock disable fuzzy-search.

Usage:	supdock enable [OPTIONS]

  Enable certain supdock functionality

    caution-check  (When fuzzy searching is enabled we ask the user for confirmation before we execute the command. Default: enabled)
    fuzzy-search  (Disable fuzzy searching. Default: disabled)

The config file is created at ${HOME}/.supdock/config.json.

Docker binary path

Supdock attempts to determine where the docker binary is located on your system. In some edge cases supdock fails to determine the path and falls back to just docker which should normally work in remaining cases. But if you have a special use case where you need to explicitly define the docker path you can do so by changing/adding the supdock config file. Add the binary-path config option like so:

  "binary-path": "/path/to/docker"


If you would like to see something added or you want to add something yourself feel free to create an issue or a pull request.