
SvelteKit adapter for template engines such as PHP, Blade, Handlebars, etc.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sveltekitAdapterTemplate from '';



Adapter for SvelteKit apps that prerenders your site as static files for template engines such as PHP, Blade, Handlebars, EJS... you name it!


Install with npm i -D sveltekit-adapter-template, then add the adapter to your svelte.config.js:

// svelte.config.js
import adapter from 'sveltekit-adapter-template';

export default {
    kit: {
        adapter: adapter({
            // default options are shown
            pages: 'build',
            assets: 'build',
            fallback: null,
            precompress: false

Unless you're in SPA mode, the adapter will attempt to prerender every page of your app, regardless of whether the prerender option is set.



The directory to write prerendered pages to. It defaults to build.


The directory to write static assets (the contents of static, plus client-side JS and CSS generated by SvelteKit) to. Ordinarily this should be the same as pages, and it will default to whatever the value of pages is, but in rare circumstances you might need to output pages and assets to separate locations.


Specify a fallback page for SPA mode, e.g. index.html or 200.html or 404.html.


If true, precompresses files with brotli and gzip. This will generate .br and .gz files.


Allows the injection of markup, valid HTML or otherwise, into the <head> or <body>. You can use the same positions as insertAdjacentHTML:

  • beforebegin
  • afterbegin
  • beforeend
  • afterend


Let's inject some WordPress tags into the page

    injectTo: {
        head: {
            beforeend: ['<?php wp_head(); ?>']
        body: {
            beforeend: ['<?php wp_footer(); ?>']
    targetExtension: '.php'


String replacements run on every page


    replace: [
            from: '<html lang="en">',
            to: '<html <?php language_attributes(); ?>>'
            // many: true (optional)
    targetExtension: '.php'


Modifies the extension of the target file, e.g. .php or .hbs

SPA mode

You can use sveltekit-adapter-template to create a single-page app or SPA by specifying a fallback page.

In most situations this is not recommended: it harms SEO, tends to slow down perceived performance, and makes your app inaccessible to users if JavaScript fails or is disabled (which happens more often than you probably think).

The fallback page is a blank HTML page that loads your SvelteKit app and navigates to the correct route. For example Surge, a static web host, lets you add a 200.html file that will handle any requests that don't otherwise match. We can create that file like so:

// svelte.config.js
import adapter from 'sveltekit-adapter-template';

export default {
    kit: {
        adapter: adapter({
            fallback: '200.html'

When operating in SPA mode, only pages that have the prerender option set will be prerendered.
