
A node-tap helper for creating test suites

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tapsuite from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/tapsuite';



A tool for creation of a suite of node-tap subtests in a file with dedicated pre-suite and post-suite behavior, as well as providing t.only, t.skip and t.todo functions for easier test development.

NPM version Licensed MIT ![Nodejs 4+](https://img.shields.io/badge/node.js-%3E=_4 LTS-brightgreen.svg) Downloads Build Status


npm install tap tapsuite

Tapsuite has a peer dependency on node-tap, which must be installed alongside.


var suite = require('tapsuite');

suite('this is a suite of tests', (s) => {
    // All of the pre and post suite/test functions are asynchronous and must
    // declare when they are finished by either invoking the `done` callback
    // or by returning a promise
    s.before((done) => {
        // pre-suite setup tasks

    s.after(() => {
        // post-suite teardown tasks
        return Promise.resolve();

    s.beforeEach((done) => {
        // pre-test setup tasks

    s.afterEach(() => {
        // post-test teardown tasks
        return Promise.resolve();

    s.test('this is a normal tap test', (t) => {
        // Suite tests execute exactly like normal tap subtests, with one exception.
        // Normal tap tests execute instantly, tapsuite tests do not execute until after
        // the suite function has returned and the before task has finished.

    s.only('this is the only tap test that will run', (t) => {
        // s.only is exactly like s.test, except that when a test
        // is created via .only, all other tests in the suite will
        // be ignored.

    // Todo and Skip tests are identical to passing `skip:true` or `todo:true` on the
    // test options object. Tap will report the skipped tests like usual. The functions
    // exist to make marking these tests a little easier

    s.todo('this is a test that needs to be written');

    s.skip('this is a test that is being skipped', (t) => {

    // Unlike with node-tap, a suite function executes synchronously and does not
    // require calling an s.end() function, which does not even exist.

}).then(() => {
    // The suite function returns a promise which resolves when the suite completes