
Load templates from file paths, globs or objects, and cache them as normalized objects.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import templateLoader from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/template-loader';


template-loader NPM version

Load templates from file paths, globs or objects, and cache them as normalized objects.


Install with npm:

npm i template-loader --save-dev


var Loader = require('template-loader');
var templates = new Loader();



Create a new instance of Loader, optionally passing default options.


var Loader = require('template-loader');
var templates = new Loader();
  • options {Object}: Default options for front-matter and template naming.

Options cache

Template cache


Set or get an option.

loader.option('a', true)
// => true
  • key {String}
  • value {*}
  • return {*}

Parse files and extract front matter.

  • str {String}: String to parse.
  • options {Object}: Options to pass to [gray-matter].

Set templates on the cache.

  • name {String}: Template name
  • str {String}: String to parse.
  • options {Object}: loader options

Get a template from the cache.

  • key {String}: The name of the template to get.

Normalize and flatten locals and data objects.

  • obj {Object}: The object to normalize.
  • return {Object}

Resolve, load, and parse all files based on type.

  • pattern {*}: Array, object, function or string.
  • options {Object}: loader options.
  • return {Array} Array of file objects.

Resolve files paths and require them in, calling .load() for futher processing.

  • pattern {String}: Glob patterns or file paths.
  • options {Object}: loader options.
  • return {Object}

Normalize a template object.

  • obj {Object}: The object to normalize.
  • options {Object}: Locals or loader options.

Load multiple template objects.

  • objects {Object}: Template objects.
  • options {Object}: loader options.

Call load for each item in the array.

  • patterns {Object}: Glob patterns or array of filepaths.
  • options {Object}: Additional options to pass
  • return {Array} a list of files as Vinyl objects

Call the function and pass the results to load for futher processing.

  • fn {Function}: Function to call.
  • locals {Object}: Locals or loader options.
  • return {*}

Resolve modules by name and require them. name can be a module name, filepath or glob pattern.

  • name {String}: npm module name, file path or glob pattern to resolve
  • options {Object}: Options to pass to [resolve-dep].

Call the function and pass the results to load for futher processing.

  • fn {Function}: Function to call.
  • locals {Object}: Locals or loader options.
  • return {*}

Call the function and pass the results to load for futher processing.

  • fn {Function}: Function to call.
  • locals {Object}: Locals or loader options.
  • return {*}

Export Loader


templates.set(object, [locals]);



  • filepath
  • locals
templates.setFile(glob, [locals]);


templates.load([template], [locals]);


  • template: {String|Array|Object}
  • locals: {Object}
  • return: {Object} Returns an object with data, content, original and locals properties.

template formats





templates.load(['a/b*.tmpl', 'c/d*.tmpl']);
templates.load(['a/b*.tmpl', 'c/d*.tmpl'], {a: 'b'});
templates.load({a: {data: {}, content: ''}});
templates.load({a: {data: {}, content: ''}}, {a: 'b'});


Jon Schlinkert


Copyright (c) 2014 Jon Schlinkert, contributors.
Released under the MIT license

This file was generated by verb-cli on August 12, 2014.