
A html template manager with js injection, angular supported

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import templatefy from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/templatefy';



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Templatefy is a html template manager with js injection, angular supported.


Table of contents


Install with npm install templatefy --save.

CLI (Command line interface)

You can use Templatefy as command line tool, installing as global library with npm i -g templatefy and execute with the command templatefy. To show options type: templatefy --help or with flag -h.


Usage: /usr/local/bin/node templatefy [options]

   -i, --input     Input html file or string raw template
   -o, --output    Output compiled JavaScript file template
   -s, --scope     Enable scope function to prevent collition declarations  [false]
   -e, --exports   Exports the template using commonjs module exports  [false]
   -r, --var       Store the template into a variable
   -g, --global    Store the template into a global property <global:property>
   -a, --angular   Enable Angular templateCache injection; for angular options use --angular-<option-name>  [false]
   -l, --linter    Enable Linter validation; for linter options use --linter-<option-name>  [false]
   -m, --minify    Enable HTML minification process; for log options use --minify-<option-name>  [false]
   -V, --log       Enable log output; for minify options use --log-<option-name>  [false]
   -v, --version   Print version and exit

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This example shows how to pass through stdin a template obtaining the output to the stdout:

echo '<h1>Foo</h1>' | templatefy --var=example

# ouput
# var example = '<h1>Foo</h1>';

As you can see it's possible use any string passed into the templatefy stdin, another example using the command cat:

cat index.html | templatefy --exports

# ouput
# module.exports = '<h1>Foo</h1>';

If want parse a html file using the command arguments, you can define the file path using --input and --ouput to define the output result By default if you don't define --output it be will print the result in the promt stdout.

echo '<h1>Foo</h1>' > template.html

cat template.html | templatefy --exports
# or
templatefy --input=./template.html --exports
# or
templatefy --input="<h1>Foo</h1>" --exports

# ouput
# module.exports = '<h1>Foo</h1>';

cat template.html | templatefy --exports --ouput=./ouput.js

# contents of ouput.js
# module.exports = '<h1>Foo</h1>';

Note: You can copy any pice of code from above and paste in your terminal. Try it!.

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API (Application Programming Interface)



Type: Boolean Default: false

Enable function clousure for prevent variable collisions.


Type: Boolean Default: false

Enable commonjs module.exports.


Type: String Default: null

Global variable expose global:property.


Type: String Default: null

Local variable name.


Type: Boolean Object Default: false

Enable angular templateCache injection.


Type: String Default: angular

Angular variable name or factory.


Type: String Default: templatefy

Angular templatefy module name.


Type: String Default: templatefy

Angular templatefy module variable name.


Type: String Default: templatefy

Angular templatefy module name.


Type: Array String Default: null

Angular templatefy module dependencies.


Type: Array String Default: null

Angular templatefy module run dependencies.


Type: Array String Default: null

Angular templatefy template name.

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To use, add the require node module:

    const Templatefy = require('templatefy');

    Templatefy.parse('path/of/input-file.html', 'path/of/ouput-file.js');

Input (path/of/input-file.html)


Output (path/of/ouput-file.js)


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Live examples

Thanks to tonicdev.com you can test the bellow examples.

    const Templatefy = require("templatefy")

        angular: true
    },'<h1>{{Title}}<h2>{{Subtitle}}', function(err, data){

Try this snippet!! Go top

Documentation (WIP)

I'm working hard to develop the documentation a soon as possible, sorry for the inconvenience.

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Contributing (WIP)


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Get updates on Templatefy's development and chat with the project maintainers and community members.

  • Follow me on @rubeniskov on Twitter to get updates.
  • Read and subscribe to The Official Templatefy Page (WIP).
  • Join the official Slack room.
  • Chat with fellow templatefiers in IRC. On the rubeniskov.irc.slack.com server, in the ##templatefy channel.
  • Developers should use the keyword templatefy on packages which modify or add to the functionality of Templatefy when distributing through npm or similar delivery mechanisms for maximum discoverability.

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Rubén López Gómez me@rubeniskov.com

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Copyright and license

Code copyright 2016 Rubeniskov released under the MIT license.

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