
The easiest way to make your react app multilingual 🌎🌍🌏

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import teralTranslateReact from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/teral-translate-react';



The easiest way to make your react app multilingual 🌎🌍🌏


  • Automatically detect and translate text
  • Edit and manage translations from a single interface
  • Access to professional translators


To get started, simply add this in your App:

  • You can get your APIKEY by signing up at https://app.teral.io/signup
  • SOURCELANGUAGE is the 2 digit language code (ISO 639-1 Code) that your app is currently in. Learn more
  • CURRENTLANGUAGE is the 2 digit language code (ISO 639-1 Code) to transale your app to by default. This needs to be a valid language that you selected in the dashboard.

To learn more about the ISO 639-1 Code, click here. For a list of supported languages , please check here .

Table of Contents


Whatever floats your boat:

npm: npm install teral-translate-react


Step 1: Get your ApiKey

Simply go to https://app.teral.io/signup and create an account .

  • Create a project and specify the languages you would like your site translated in.
  • Customize the language switcher position and appearance
  • Grab your ApiKey

Step 2: Start translating

That is all! Simply add your ApiKey and your app is now multilingual. That's right no need to provide an existing mapping. New text will automatically be translated as they are detected.

If you need to edit the translations, you can do so from our dashboard


The library can be imported in whatever way you find suitable:

import Teral from 'teral-translate-react'
