
library for terminal api

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import terminalApiLibItayTest from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/terminal-api-lib-itay-test';


What is this?

This library is an abstraction for terminal-api usage.

It exposes certain functions to interact with the api


npm install --save blue-terminal-api-lib



const { Terminal } = require('blue-terminal-api-lib');
// or
import Terminal from 'blue-terminal-api-lib';

const terminal = new Terminal('terminal_url', 'api_key');


  • foldersEndpoint: the url endpoint for accessing the "folders" resource - default: /folders

  • uploadEndpoint: the url endpoint for accessing the "upload" resource - default: /upload

  • downloadEndpoint: the url endpoint for accessing the "download" resource - default: /download

  • tempFolderPath: the location of tempFiles - default: /tmp

  • reslutsLimit: the number of results from terminal - default: 1000

  • sendPollingInterval: the interval time check for transfer file - default: 1000

  • maxSendTerminalDelay: the time for transfer file - default: 20 * 60 * 1000

  • downloadTestDelay: the delay in test - default: 1000


  • createFolder:
* recieve folder metadata and creates new folder in terminal-api
* @param {String} from                  - file senders user id
* @param {[String]} to                  - array of user id's to send file to
* @param {String} title                 - folder title
* @param {String} sourceNetwork         - source network
* @param {String} destinationNetwork    - destination network
* @returns {IFolder}                    - folder object

function createFolder(title, sourceNetwork, destinationNetwork, to, from): Promise<IFolder>
  • getFolders:
 * gets all folders from terminal-api
 * @param {GetFolderParams} params      - (optional) filter by parameters
 * @returns {[IFolder]}                 - folder objects
function getFolders(params): Promise<IFolder[]>
  • getTerminalFiles:
 * gets all folders from terminal-api
 * @param {GetFolderParams} params      - (optional) filter by parameters
 * @param {Function} filter             - (optional) filter with filter function
 * @returns {[IFileExtended]}           - folder objects
function getTerminalFiles(params, filter?): Promise<IFileExtended[]>
  • getFolderById:
 * gets a single folder with given id from terminal-api
 * @param {String} folderId             - folderId
 * @returns {IFolder}                   - folder object
function getFolderById(folderId): Promise<IFolder>
  • getFilesFromFolder:
 * gets all files in folder by folderId from terminal-api
 * @param {String} folderId             - folderId
 * @returns {[IFile]}                   - file objects
function getFilesFromFolder(folderId): Promise<IFile[]>
  • getFileFromFolder:
 * returns specific file from folder from terminal-api
 * @param {String} folderId             - folderId
 * @param {String} fileId               - fileId
 * @returns {IFile}                     - file object
function getFileFromFolder(folderId, fileId): Promise<IFile>
  • getTerminalFileStatus:
 * returns status specific file from folder from terminal-api
 * @param {String} folderId             - folderId
 * @param {String} fileId               - fileId
 * @returns {FileStatusObject}          - file status object
function getTerminalFileStatus(folderId, fileId): Promise<FileStatusObject>
  • getFilesWithExtention:
 * returns status specific file from folder from terminal-api
 * @param {String} extention            - extension to search by
 * @param {GetFolderParams} params      - (optional) filter by parameters
 * @returns {[IFile]}                   - file objects
function getFilesWithExtention(extention, params}): Promise<IFile[]>
  • getFilesWithName:
 * returns status specific file from folder from terminal-api
 * @param {String} name                 - filename to search by
 * @param {GetFolderParams} params      - (optional) filter by parameters
 * @returns {[IFile]}                   - file objects
function getFilesWithName(extention, params}): Promise<IFile[]>
  • transferFile:
* transfer file to other side and throw error if something went wrong
* @param {String} from                  - file senders user id
* @param {[String]} to                  - array of user id's to send file to
* @param {String} title                 - folder title
* @param {String} sourceNetwork         - source network
* @param {String} destinationNetwork    - destination network
* @param {String} fileName              - fileName
* @param {FileContentType} fileContent  - destination network
function transferFile(from, to, title, sourceNetwork, destinationNetwork, fileName, fileContent): Promise<void>
  • sendFolder:
 * marks a folder as available for sending to other side
 * @param {String} folderId             - folderId
 * @returns {IFolder}                   - folder object
function sendFolder(folderId): Promise<IFolder>
  • ackFolder:
 * marks an "incoming" folder as viewed and handled ( acknowleges it )
 * @param {String} folderId             - folderId
 * @returns {IFolder}                   - folder object
function ackFolder(folderId): Promise<IFolder>
  • nackFolder:
 * marks an "incoming" folder as nack
 * @param {String} folderId             - folderId
 * @returns {IFolder}                   - folder object
function nackFolder(folderId): Promise<IFolder>
  • downloadFolder:
 * returns a readable stream representing the folder (by id) with all its files in .zip format
 * @param {String} folderId             - folderId
 * @returns {NodeJS.ReadableStream}     - folder .zip readableStream
function downloadFolder(folderId): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>
  • downloadFileFromFolder:
 * returns a base64 string || buffer || readableStream representing the specific file in given file format
 * @param {String} folderId                         - folderId
 * @param {String} fileId                           - fileId
 * @param {DownloadFileResponseType} responseType   - type of respone
 * @returns {DownloadFileResponseType}              - file in requested responseType
function downloadFileFromFolder(folderId, fileId, responseType: DownloadFileResponseType)
  • uploadFile:
 * uploads a file to folder with given metadata
 * @param {String} folderId             - existing folder if
 * @param {String} fileName             - name to give to file
 * @param {FileContentType} content     - content of file
 * @returns {IFile}                     - file object
function uploadFile(folderId, fileName, content): Promise<IFile>