
This a school project aimed at creating and implementing a cli that tells you if your email has been breached or not and which are the website concerned by those breaches.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import terminalMailbreachchecker from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/terminal-mailbreachchecker';


This a school project aimed at creating and implementing a cli that tells you if your email has been breached or not and which are the website concerned by those breaches.

Install and Usage

$ npm install terminal-mailbreachchecker

Simple usage in terminal:

$ pwned test@test.com


In order to add a bit of fun, other node packages have been added so that the experience of wandering if one email has possible breaches or not is funnier.

  • axios : make the HTTP request to the API of the website Have I Been Pwned and return a JSON object with the breaches.
  • email-validator : check if it is a valid email entry or if it does not respect basic
  • chalk : make the response returned in color to illustrate if it is whether an error, a breach or a no-breach.
  • ora : enables to make a small animation while loading the results and processing the request to the API.
  • figlet : render a stylised text when the response come in the terminal.

Release History

  • 2019.01.22 v1.1.0 packages figlet, chalk and ora added.
  • 2019.01.21 v1.0.0 basic application without any packages except email-validator.