
terrier is a light-weight DOM template loader and element plucker. It creates a DOM node from a string of HTML and plucks any elements with the attribute data-pluck, returning them in a dictionary.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import terrier from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/terrier';



terrier is a light-weight DOM template loader and element plucker. It creates a DOM node from a string of HTML and plucks any elements with the attribute data-pluck, returning them in a dictionary.

terrier should work in all browsers that support querySelectorAll().

It turns this:

<div id='root'>
  <ul class='people' data-pluck='list'>
    <li data-pluck='people[]'>Jason</li>
    <li data-pluck='people[]'>Jim</li>
    <li data-pluck='people[]'>John</li>
  <input type='text' data-pluck='input'>
  <input type='button' data-pluck='submit'>

Into this (wherein #<...> denotes a real DOM element):

  root: #<div#root>,
  list: #<ul.people>,
  people: [
  input: #<input[type=text]>,
  submit: #<input[type=button]>



Get it:

$ npm install terrier

Require it:

var terrier = require('terrier');


Copy and paste either build/terrier.js or build/terrier.min.js into your project.


terrier(html, [options])

Converts html into a DOM node and plucks all nested elements with the data-pluck attribute, inserting them into a dictionary keyed by said value of [data-pluck].

[data-pluck] may contain a list of whitespace separated values; in this case a key for each distinct value will be created in the output dictionary. Where a key is suffixed with [], e.g. people[], multiple plucked elements sharing the same key will be collected into an array.

Returns the dictionary of plucked elements, including an additional root entry for the root element.

Supported options:

  • attribute: name of attribute used to denote elements to be plucked into the returned structure. Defaults to data-pluck.
  • mapNode: a callback that may be used to map each plucked element. Defaults to the identity.

terrier.compile(html, [options])

As above, but compiles html into an efficient, reusable template. Returns a template object; call instance() on this to create any number of template instances, each with its own unique DOM hierarchy.

Copyright & License

© 2014 Jason Frame [ @jaz303 / jason@onehackoranother.com ]

Released under the ISC license.