
Core js library for video playback

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import testPackageUvnTwo from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/test-package-uvn-two';



Core js library for video playback


To start developing you need to set up few things first:

$ npm install -g gulp-cli # In case you don't have it already
$ npm instal

Once that's done, you simply run: npm run serve for development or npm run serve:dist to serve the page from the distribution files. After serving, you simply need to start adding/modifying files, and browsersync will do its magic.


We are using Karma and Jasmine for unit testing, in order to get it up and running you should install:

$ npm install -g karma-cli phantomjs

Then you simply run $ gulp test


SDK will be semantic versioned, using npm built-in scripts.

Patch release: Bug fixes and other minor changes -> will turn it into 1.0.1

npm version patch -m "Patch release version to %s"

Minor release: New features which don't break existing features -> will turn it into 1.1.0

npm version minor -m "Minor release version to %s"

Major release: Changes which break backwards compatibility, or implement something that is a big new feature-> will turn it into 2.0.0

npm version major -m "Major release version to %s"

This will create a new commit with the corresponding message


We can run either npm run build or npm run serve:dist in order to generate/update the dist dir.


Logging level is set in the init function by sending a loglevel param:

FMG.init({ .. loglevel: 'verbose' .. });

SDK handles three levels of logging:

  • Production: Defined by prod value, and is set by default is non is sent. It will only print important errors.
  • Debug: Defined by debug value. Will print important errors and warnings.
  • Verbose: Degined by verbose value. Will print all kind of debugging messages. Including logs, warnings and errors.