
Synchronous Socket.IO tester

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import testSocketioSync from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/test-socketio-sync';


test-socketio-sync npm versionBuild Status

Sychronous testing library for Socket.IO, inspired by socket-tester and Codeception.


npm install test-socketio-sync

How it works

Firstly add actions to Client object, which is mutable so methods can be chained or executed in separate statements.
Multiple clients can be used to simulate concurrent users.
Then pass all clients to socketTester.run method.
Run method connects clients to socket.io server and starts the first action.
Further actions are started on successful completion of the previous action with exception of failIfReceivedNonBlocking method.
After completion of the last action, mocha callback method is called. If any action fails, error is passed to mocha callback.


var TestSocketIOSync = require('test-socketio-sync');
var io = require('socket.io-client');
var socketUrl = 'http://localhost:3000';

var options = {
  transports: ['websocket'],
  'force new connection': true

var socketTester = new TestSocketIOSync(io, socketUrl, options);
var Client = socketTester.Client;

it('should emit event and wait for response', function(done) {
  var client1 = new Client('client');
  client1.emit('join room', 'Room #5')
    .waitFor('joined room', 'Room#5');
  socketTester.run([client1], done);

it('should check that event is not received', function(done) {
  var client1 = new Client('first client');
  client1.emit('join room', 'Room #5')
    .failIfReceived('impossible event', 'Room#5', 10);
  socketTester.run([client1], done);

it('should wait for other clients to reach the same point', function(done) {
  var client1 = new Client('first client');
  var client2 = new Client('second client');

  client1.emit('join room', 'Room #5').waitFor('joined room', 'Room#5')
    .waitForOtherClients('to join room', 2).emit('message', 'Hi all');

  client2.emit('join room', 'Room #5').waitFor('joined room', 'Room#5')
    .waitForOtherClients('to join room', 2).waitFor('message', 'Hi all');

  socketTester.run([client1, client2], done);

More examples can be found in test directory.


new TestSocketIOSync(io, socketUrl, socketOptions)

 * Runs tests
 * @param {array}   io  Array of client objects
 * @param {string} socketUrl   Url of socket.io server
 * @param {Object} socketOptions Options for socket.io-client

run(clients, done)

 * Runs tests
 * @param {array}   clients  Array of client objects
 * @param {Function} done    Mocha done function

new Client(label, socketUrl, [socketOptions])

 * Runs tests
 * @param {string} label Used to identify client in error messages
 * @param {string} socketUrl Can be different to support namespaces
 * @param {Object} socketOptions customize options per-client

emit(event, [data])

 * Emits event (non-blocking)
 * @param {string} event
 * @param data

waitFor(event, data, [timeout])

 * Waits for event
 * @param {string} event
 * @param match See Matching
 * @timeout {Number} in milliseconds

waitFor, failIfReceived and failIfReceivedNonBlocking methods match any value if match parameter is set to null, if match is a function, event data is passed to the function and function returns if it matched.

failIfReceived(event, data, [timeout])

 * Fails if event is received
 * @param {string} event
 * @param match See waitFor
 * @timeout {Number} in milliseconds

failIfReceivedNonBlocking(event, data, [timeout])

 * Fails if event is received
 * @param {string} event
 * @param match See waitFor
 * @timeout {Number} in milliseconds

waitForOtherClients(label, [timeout])

 * Synchronizes clients
 * @param {string} label Label of synchronization point
 * @timeout {Number} in milliseconds

executeFunction(function, [timeout])

 * Executes function (e.g. to update database or make HTTP request)
 * @param {Function} function
 * @timeout {Number} in milliseconds

Callback is passed to the function and it can be called with exception or nothing to indicate that execution is complete.

    function(callback) {
        mysql.query('UPDATE table SET status = \'Down\' WHERE id = 1', callback);
    }, 500);


Please report issues and request features in Github