
Testcafe reporter plugin that automatically publishes test run details to the TestRail system.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import testcafeReporterTestrail from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/testcafe-reporter-testrail';




Reporter plugin that sends test results to TestRail

It does not provide test output to console, please use with combination with the default reporter


  1. Installation

    npm install testcafe-reporter-testrail --save-dev

  2. Add reporter to testrail configuration. Make sure to also include default reporter if reporters option was not provided

    Command Line:

    testcafe chrome tests/* -r spec,testrail:out.xml


        .reporter(['spec', { name: 'testrail', output: '' }]) // <-
  3. Provide required options from the configuration section


  • All test cases should have a valid mapping between TestCafe and TestRail. TestRail Case ID should be put into TestCafe test metadata. (Example: test.meta({CID: 'C123'})('test name', async t => { .... });)


Configuration can be provided via:

  • ENV variables
  • configuration file (.testrailrc)
ENV Variable Config Description Default Required
TESTRAIL_ENABLED enabled Enables TestRail integration. false
TESTRAIL_HOST host URL of the TestRail instance. true
TESTRAIL_USER user Account name which will be used to push results. true
TESTRAIL_API_KEY apiKey API key which can be generated on the profile page in TestRail. true
TESTRAIL_PROJECT_ID projectId Project id in which test cases are stored. Ex. P123 true
TESTRAIL_SUITE_ID suiteId Suite id in which test cases are stored. Ex. S123 true
TESTRAIL_RUN_ID runId Run id which test cases are stored. Ex R123
TESTRAIL_CASE_META caseMeta Meta attribute to be used to get TestRail case id mapping. 'CID'
TESTRAIL_RUN_NAME runName Test Run name. Configurable with variables
  • %BRANCH% - see config option branchEnv
  • %BUILD% - see config option buildNoEnv
  • %DATE% - see config option dateFormat
TESTRAIL_RUN_DESCRIPTION runDescription You can provide you own Test Run description. If this option is not configured, it will contain test results and test coverage.
TESTRAIL_REFERENCE reference String that will be added to the refs field in TestRail. This can enable integration with other tools like https://github.com/DamianOsipiuk/jest-reporter-testrail/. Configurable with variables
  • %BRANCH% - see config option branchEnv
  • %BUILD% - see config option buildNoEnv
TESTRAIL_BRANCH_ENV branchEnv Which ENV variable is used to store branch name on which tests are run. BRANCH
TESTRAIL_BUILD_NO_ENV buildNoEnv Which ENV variable is used to store build number of tests run. BUILD_NUMBER
TESTRAIL_DATE_FORMAT dateFormat What date format should be used for %DATE% placeholder. https://momentjs.com/ formats supported. YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss
TESTRAIL_RUN_CLOSE_AFTER_DAYS runCloseAfterDays After how many days should reporter close old Runs in testrail.
TESTRAIL_UPLOAD_SCREENSHOTS uploadScreenshots Should upload screenshots to testrail. Requires test result edit enabled in testrail. false
TESTRAIL_UPLOAD_VIDEOS uploadVideos Should upload videos to testrail. Requires test result edit enabled in testrail. false
TESTRAIL_UPDATE_RUN_TEST_CASES updateRunTestCases Tells to the reporting tool to no create or update the given test run, you need to create the mapping for the testcases manually true