
Some print helper methods like p, pl, pp, ppl for testing.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import testhelper from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/testhelper';


Test Helper

This project is inspired by Python minitest's some useful methods which could be used in test. The below are useful functions:

p, pp, pl, ppl

github: https://github.com/jichen3000/node_testhelper


Colin Ji jichen3000@gmail.com

How to install

npm install testhelper

How to use

p, print with title. This function will print variable name as the title.

obj = {foo:"bar", baz: {aa:1, bb:2}};
// add a title 'obj' automatically.

print result:

obj : { foo: 'bar', baz: { aa: 1, bb: 2 } }

pl, print with title and code loction. This function just like pt, but will print the code location at the first line. And some editors support to go to the line of that file, such as Sublime2. Notice: it will print a null line before the location information.

obj = {foo:"bar", baz: {aa:1, bb:2}};
// add a empty line, and a code position line.
// add a title 'obj' automatically.

print result:

  File "/Users/colin/work/node_testhelper/lib/testhelper.js", line 21, in <anonymous>
obj : { foo: 'bar', baz: { aa: 1, bb: 2 } }

pp, prety print with title. This function will print variable name as the title.

obj = {foo:"bar", baz: {aa:1, bb:2}};
// add a title 'obj' automatically.

print result:

obj : 
  "foo": "bar",
  "baz": {
    "aa": 1,
    "bb": 2

ppl, pretty print with title and code loction. This function just like pt, but will print the code location at the first line. And some editors support to go to the line of that file, such as Sublime2. Notice: it will print a null line before the location information.

obj = {foo:"bar", baz: {aa:1, bb:2}};
// add a empty line, and a code position line.
// add a title 'obj' automatically.

print result:

  File "/Users/colin/work/node_testhelper/lib/testhelper.js", line 52, in <anonymous>
obj : 
  "foo": "bar",
  "baz": {
    "aa": 1,
    "bb": 2

Notice, for the number, please use the functions like the below:


and, these functions are not numerable for the object, which means:

var a_obj = {bb:1};
for (key in a_obj) console.log(key);

would not print the 'p','pl' these functions in the object.