
Google Spreadsheet runner for Testx

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import testxGoogleSpreadsheetRunner from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/testx-google-spreadsheet-runner';



Google Spreadsheet Runner for TestX



npm i testx-google-spreadsheet-runner --save

How to use

First of all, you need to know how to create and run a TestX test project. If you don't know how, check out the the TestX documentation.

To use test scripts from a Google spreadsheet, import the runner:

runner = require 'testx-google-spreadsheet-runner'

Then, create a normal Jasmine test and pass the id of the spreadsheet to the runner:

describe 'Google search', ->
  it 'should display relevant results', ->
    runner.runGoogleSpreadsheet '1xLNhRCq3BuOA2Ve7C8xRcM7VpmeCgKv4Bkyhd494T7I'

or to run only one specific sheet:

describe 'Google search', ->
  it 'should display relevant results', ->
    runner.runGoogleSpreadsheet '1xLNhRCq3BuOA2Ve7C8xRcM7VpmeCgKv4Bkyhd494T7I', 'Sheet2'

The following spreadsheet is used in both examples: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xLNhRCq3BuOA2Ve7C8xRcM7VpmeCgKv4Bkyhd494T7I.


Currently the runner only supports public spreadsheets as authentication is not yet implemented. Make sure your spreadsheets are public by publishing them to the web (File -> Publish to web).