
Profiles 12 left-pad implementations

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import testyMctestface from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/testy-mctestface';



Tests 12 implementations of left-pad

This npm package profiles 12 suggested left-pad implementations:

  • Modules downloadable from npm:
    • left-pad
    • esleftpad
    • pad
    • pad-left
  • Modules posted by commenters around the Internet:
    • eslinmiso-leftpad.js
    • educative-io-leftpad.js
    • padL.js
    • praxis-leftpad.js
    • recursive-leftpad.js
    • russian-peasant.js
  • And the canonical version, removed from npm by Azer Koçulu:
    • tantrum-leftpad

(To run, type npm start.)