
Text Analyser is lightweight library to analyse basic informations about text files like number of words, signs, spaces and empty lines.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import textAnalyser from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/text-analyser';


Text Analyser

What Text Analyser is :grey_question:

Text Analyser is lightweight library to analyse basic informations about text files like number of words, signs, spaces and empty lines.

Getting started :rocket:


To use this module you need to install latest version of Node on your computer.

Installation :sparkles:

    npm install text-analyser

:boom: Ready to use! :smiley:

How to use :grey_question:

import { analyse } from "text-analyser";

const pathToTxtFile = "txtFile.txt";

const informationsAboutTxtFile = analyse(pathToTxtFile);

That's all :sunglasses:

Variable informationsAboutTxtFile shoud look like this:

    { signs: X, spaces: X, words: X, lines: X, emptyLines: X, notEmptyLines: X }

Thank you for using this module. :blush:

Github Repository