
This package will convert your Object keys or Strings to respective case as you required

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import textAsIWant from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/text-as-i-want';


Text As I Want

This package convert strings and properties/keys of the Object between camelCase, PascalCase, Capitalize Each Word, snake_case and more.


npm install text-as-i-want --save


var textAsIWant = require('text-as-i-want');

//For camelCase (Strings)
textAsIwant.stringToCamelCase("your string"); // It will return the converted string in camelCase

//For camelCase (Object Keys)
textAsIwant.objectToCamelCase(yourObject); // It will return the object with converted properties in camelCase

//For snake_case (Strings)
textAsIwant.stringToSnakeCase("your string"); // It will return the converted string in snake_case

//For snake_case (Object Keys)
textAsIwant.objectToSnakeCase(yourObject); // It will return the object with converted properties in snake_case

//For kebab-case (Strings)
textAsIwant.stringToKebabCase("your string"); // It will return the converted string in kebab-case

//For kebab-case (Object Keys)
textAsIwant.objectToKebabCase(yourObject); // It will return the object with converted properties in kebab-case

//For PascalCase (Strings)
textAsIwant.stringToPascalCase("your string"); // It will return the converted string in PascalCase

//For PascalCase (Object Keys)
textAsIwant.objectToPascalCase(yourObject); // It will return the object with converted properties in PascalCase

//For Capitalizing Each Word in a Sentence

textAsIwant.stringToCapitalizeEachWord("your sentence");

//For Capitalizing the sentence

textAsIwant.stringToCapitalizeSentence("your sentence");