
tiny library for text-based interactions (e.g. MUDs, text-based adventure games, etc)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import textCommander from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/text-commander';



tiny library for text-based interactions (e.g. MUDs, text-based adventure games, etc)


npm install text-commander


var cmdr = require('text-commander')([
    '/look at {thing}': (obj) => {
      return `looking at ${obj.thing}!`
    '/use {thing} on {otherThing}': (obj) => {
      return `using ${obj.thing} on ${obj.otherThing}!`

console.log(cmdr('/look at sun'))
// looking at sun!
console.log(cmdr('/use glove on lever'))
// using glove on lever!

(see templateer, on which this is built)

protip you can use es6 destructuring syntax to make your functions a little nicer. e.g.,

var cmdr = require('text-commander')([
  {'link {thing} with {otherThing}': ({thing, otherThing}) => {
    // do stuff...
    // return stuff...


var cmdr = require('text-commander')([ {'some {template}': ({template}) => { }}, ... ])

text-commander takes a list of objects { templateString: function }. when templateString is matched, function will execute on the the template match. (see templateer, on which this is built)

cmdr('some command')

will try to match each template string, in order, executing the appropriate function if a match is found.

cmdr will pass the match object as arguments to the appropriate function, and return whatever that function returns.

if no match is found, cmdr will return undefined.
