
Client wrapper for InfoPi (formerly Text Kenya) web service

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import textKenya from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/text-kenya';



Client wrapper for Text Kenya Web Service.

Made in Africa


$ npm install text-kenya


  var textKenya = require('text-kenya');
  var data = { u: 'username', h: 'token', to: '0700112233', msg: 'To SMS and Infinity' };

  textKenya.sendSMS(data, function (err, response) {
    if(err) return console.log(err);

    // operate on response here


textKenya.sendSMS(data#Object, cb(err, response)#Function)

Send SMS to a single or multiple numbers

data params:

  • mandatory: to, msg, u, h
  • optional: type, unicode, from, footer, nofooter, format

textKenya.outgoingSMS(data#Object, cb(err, response)#Function)

Outgoing SMS and delivery status

data params:

  • mandatory: u, h
  • optional: queue, src, dst, dt, smslog_id, c, last, format

textKenya.incomingSMS(data#Object, cb(err, response)#Function)

List Incoming SMS

data params:

  • mandatory: u, h
  • optional: queue, src, dst, dt, smslog_id, c, last, format

textKenya.showInbox(data#Object, cb(err, response)#Function)

List SMS on user's inbox.

data params:

  • mandatory: u, h
  • optional: queue, src, dst, dt, smslog_id, c, last, format

textKenya.getUserCredit(data#Object, cb(err, response)#Function)

Get user's credit information.

data params:

  • mandatory: u, h
  • optional: format

textKenya.getToken(data#Object, cb(err, response)#Function)

Get user's webservice token. This can be used as a login mechanism.

data params:

  • mandatory: u, p
  • optional: format

textKenya.setToken(data#Object, cb(err, response)#Function)

Set user's webservice token. This can be used as a password change mechanism.

data params:

  • mandatory: u, h
  • optional: format

textKenya.getContactList(data#Object, cb(err, response)#Function)

Get contact list by code or name

data params:

  • mandatory: u, h, kwd
  • optional: format, c

textKenya.serverInfo(data#Object, cb(err, response)#Function)

Query server for useful information such as user's data, user's credit, last smslog_id for inbox,incoming and outgoing SMS

data params:

  • mandatory: u, h
  • optional: format