
a simple package for writing and animating text on animated gifs

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import textOnGif from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/text-on-gif';


text-on-gif is a simple package for writing and animating text on animated as well as non-animated gifs

Basic Usage

const textOnGif = require("text-on-gif");

(async function(){

    //get gif as buffer
    var gifBuffer = await textOnGif({
            file_path:"/path/file.gif", //path to local file or url
            textMessage:"custom message"

    //write gif as file
    await textOnGif({
        file_path:"/path/file.gif", //path to local file or url
        textMessage:"custom message",



writing on gif might take some time(generally 3-4 seconds) so always use await when getting file as buffer

the amount of time taken to print the message depends on the number of frames in the gif


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All properties

Properties Type Required Default
file_path String Yes null
textMessage String Not Really ""
fontColor String No "white"
fontSize Int No 32
alignmentX String No "middle"
alignmentY String No "bottom"
writeAsFile Boolean No false
writeOnEffect Boolean No false
fadeIn Boolean No false
invertColors Boolean No false
flash Boolean No false
textFlash Boolean No false
write_path String No "/gif-with-custom-text.gif"
getAsBuffer Boolean No true
font_path String No null
animate Boolean No false
startX Int No null
endX Int No null
startY Int No null
endY Int No null
positionX Int No null
positionY Int No null
# file_path
path to a local gif file or URL



should contain letters and numbers

if emojis and other stuff is passed then it will not be printed on the gif



fonts available in white color

  • size: 8
  • size: 16
  • size: 32
  • size: 64
  • size: 128

fonts available in black color

  • size: 8
  • size: 10
  • size: 12
  • size: 14
  • size: 16
  • size: 32
  • size: 64
  • size: 128



valid values for Hozizontal Alignment

  • left
  • center
  • right

valid values for Vertical Alignment

  • top
  • middle
  • bottom



set as true to write the edited gif to a local folder as a gif file

if no value for write_path is passed and writeAsFile is set to true then it is automatically written ot the root folder of your project with the file name "gif-with-custom-tex.gif"

Writing as file overwrites previously written gifs with the same name



used when writeAsFile is set to true

if no value is passed for write_path and writeAsFile is set to true then the gif is written to the root folder of your project with the file name "gif-with-custom-text.gif"



default value is true

set to false if you dont want the file to be returned as buffer



path to custom font

only FNT fonts can be used

you can use https://ttf2fnt for converting ttf fonts to fnt



set to true to enable text animation on gif

if set to true the values for

  • startX
  • endX
  • startY
  • endY

must be passed



position of text on the x axis

must be a int

now support percentage values



position of text on the y axis

must be a int

now supports percentage values


startX,endX & startY,endY

will support percentage values like positionX and positionY soon will be updated soon



ahha if you use gifs with too many frames then the gifs become something like this.

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Although this looks pretty cool its not useful and would normally be called broken so ive decided to fix(atleast try) this and would be updated in the coming versions so this wouldnt happen anymore. Probably