
Simply generate a centered image from text.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import textToPictureKazari from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/text-to-picture-kazari';



Easily convert characters to a picture with aligned text.

Pure javascript, no native or external dependencies.

A text input "LS" could look like this:



It's simple.

npm i text-to-picture

With async/await.

const textToPicture = require('text-to-picture')

const result = await textToPicture.convert({
  text: 'LS'

const str = await result.getBase64()

console.log(str) // ...

// useful for http servers
const buf = await result.getBuffer()
// http response object
response.send(buf) // <Buffer 89 50 4e 47 ...>

With promises.

const textToPicture = require('text-to-picture')

  text: 'LS'
}).then(result => {
  return result.getBase64()
}).then(str => {
  console.log(str) // ...
}).catch(err => handle(err))


TextToPicture.convert(options: Object)


  • text: String - The text to write. Required.
  • source: String|Object - String to a local file or Object:
    • width: Number - Width of new image. default: 256
    • height: Number - Height of new image. default: 256
    • background: Number - Background in hex. example: 0xFF0000FF, default: black, transparent for pngs
  • size: String - Text size. Can be one of 8, 16, 32, 64, 128. default: 64
  • color: String - Color. Can be 'black or 'white'. default: 'black'
  • ext: String - File type. 'jpeg', 'png' or 'bmp'. default: 'png',
  • quality: String - Image quality between 0 and 100. default: 60
  • customFont: String - Path to .fnt font.

returns: Object

  • getBase64(): Promise - Get base64 data uri
  • getBuffer(): Promise - Get a node buffer (useful for http server)
  • write(path: String): Promise - Write file to given path (with filename & extension)
  • image: Jimp - the image Jimp object for special customisation.


The Jimp class.