
textlint util convert Paragraph Node to text with SourceMap.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import textlintUtilToString from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/textlint-util-to-string';


textlint-util-to-string Actions Status: test

Convert Paragraph Node to plain text with SourceMap.

SourceMap mean that could revert position in plain text to position in Node.

This library is for textlint and textstat.


npm install textlint-util-to-string


The concepts position and index are the same as those explained in Constellation/structured-source.

Note: the column property of position as it is 0-based index.


Constructor(rootNode): source

Return instance of Source.

originalIndexFromIndex(generatedIndex): number | undefined

Get original index from generated index value

originalPositionFromPosition(position): Position | undefined

Get original position from generated position

originalIndexFromPosition(generatedPosition): number | undefined

Get original index from generated position

originalPositionFromIndex(generatedIndex): Position | undefined

Get original position from generated index

import assert from "assert"
import {parse} from "markdown-to-ast";
import {StringSource} from "textlint-util-to-string";

let originalText = "This is [Example!?](http://example.com/)";
let AST = parse(originalText);
let source = new StringSource(AST);
let result = source.toString();

// StringSource#toString returns a plain text
assert.equal(result, "This is Example!?");

// "Example" is located at the index 8 in the plain text
//  ^
let index1 = result.indexOf("Example");
assert.equal(index1, 8);

// The same "E" is located at the index 9 in the original text
assert.equal(source.originalIndexFromIndex(index1), 9);
    line: 1,
    column: 8
}), {
    line: 1,
    column: 9

// Another example with "!", which is located at 15 in the plain text
// and at 16 in the original text
let index2 = result.indexOf("!?");
assert.equal(index2, 15);
assert.equal(source.originalIndexFromIndex(index2), 16);



Why return relative position from rootNode?

let AST = {...}
let rootNode = AST.children[10];
let source = new StringSource(rootNode);
source.originalIndexFor(0); // should be 0

To return relative position easy to compute position(We think).

One space has a single absolute position, The other should be relative position.


npm test


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