
Texture Map Generator in pure JavaScript (TypeScript/NodeJS/Multithreading)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import texturer from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/texturer';



Texture Map Generator in TypeScript (MIT License)

github npm version NPM License



texturePool.ts (TypeScript template result. See all templates or create your own (custom) template)

namespace Game {

    // Statistics:
    // - textures: 244
    // - textureMaps: 8

    const maps = [
            url     : "images/textureMap0.png",
            width   : 1664,
            height  : 512,
            repeatX : false,
            repeatY : false

    export var texturePool = {
        "star"  : { map : maps[ 0 ], x : 256, y : 384, width : 128, height : 128, opaque : false, trim : { left : 0, right : 0, top : 0, bottom : 0 } },
        "music" : { map : maps[ 0 ], x : 384, y : 384, width : 128, height : 128, opaque : false, trim : { left : 0, right : 0, top : 0, bottom : 0 } }


Texture Map Generator in pure JavaScript (TypeScript/NodeJS/Multi-threading) is image processing tool.

  • generates texture map images for image sets.
  • generates javascript/typescript/css texture map description file using handlebars templates
  • able to copy whole directory without processing, however width/height and other info will be written into texture map description file

How To Install

from NPM (https://www.npmjs.com/package/texturer)

Install this module locally(into your project only) with the following command:

npm install texturer

Install this module globally with the following command:

npm install texturer -g

from GitHub (https://github.com/igor-bezkrovny/texturer)

git clone https://github.com/igor-bezkrovny/texturer
cd texturer
npm install
npm run build

to clean-up project run npm run clean


Run in folder with config.json (see example folder)


Process specified configuration file

texturer example/app/resources/config.json

Usage from Code

var Texturer   = require("<path to texturer src/index.js>"),
    config     = JSON.parse(require("fs").readFileSync("./config.json", "utf8"));

new Texturer().generate(config, function (error) {
    if (error) {
        console.trace("\x1B[91m" + error + "\x1B[39m");
    } else {
}, null);

Supported File Formats

  • png
  • jpeg (.jpeg, .jpg)
  • bmp


To enable TinyPNG conversion you need to set "tiny-png" : true compress option for appropriate texture-map-task (see below)

config.json Format

note: all folders described below are relative to current working directory

property value
folders specifies folders configuration (see below)
templates array of template files to use (w/o path, e.g. [ "css.hbs", "js.hbs" ])
task‑defaults optional object with default values for optional copy options/texture-map options as defaults
copy‑tasks optional array of copy tasks to perform
texture‑map‑tasks optional array of texture-map tasks to perform
exclude optional exclude regular expression. all matching files and folders will be excluded. global and case insensitive (flags "gi" are set). see Regular Expressions

Copy Task Format

Images will be copied to destination folder or encoded into data URI without any processing, their width/height will be written into description file using template

property value
folder folder with images. all images will be copied to the folders.source/folder folder
data‑uri optional see below

Texture Map Task Format

Images from appropriate folder will be packed into one "texture-map" image, trim and compress options will be applied

property value
folder Folder with image files. All images from this folder recursively will be used to generate folders.target/folder folder
texture‑map‑file optional, default: texture-map<incremental number>.png Texture map image (.png) file path and name
brute‑force‑time optional, default: 0 Additional time for finding best(smallest) texture map (ms)
repeat-x optional, default: false Combine images into vertical texture map to allow application to use background-repeat: repeat-x
repeat-y optional, default: false Combine images into horizontal texture map to allow application to use background-repeat: repeat-y
grid-step optional, default: 1 X and Y coordinate values of Images placed on texture map will be divisible by grid-step
padding-x optional, default: 0 Minimal horizontal distance between Images inside Texture Map Image
padding-y optional, default: 0 Minimal vertical distance between Images inside Texture Map Image
trim optional see below
data‑uri optional see below
compress optional see below
dimensions optional see below

repeat-x note: all images inside folder folder should have the same width
repeat-y note: all images inside folder folder should have the same height


property value
source resources folder from which all input folders with images taken
target folder to which all generated textureMap files put. Also it receives folders with images that are just copied
images(index.html) path to folders.target relative to index.html (server's root)

for example, if source folder is app/resources and target folder is app/www/assets/images, and index.html is located in app/www, images(index.html) will be assets/images

data URI

property value
enable optional, default: true Create data URI by encoding image using base64
max-size optional, default: 32512 Max data URI string length. If encoded data URI string length is longer, general url instead of data URI will not be created
create‑image‑file‑anyway optional, default: false Create output image file even in case data URI successfully created


property value
tiny-png optional, default: false Use TinyPNG service (see below)


property value
enable optional, default: true Enable image trimming. Note: export to css should be done without image trimming
alpha optional, default: 0 Set fully-transparent alpha (A from RGBA) value to trim transparent pixels out from image. For example, alpha = 15 means that pixels with alpha <= 15 will be trimmed out of image to reduce texture map size


property value
max-x optional, default: 1920 Max texture-map image width
max-y optional, default: 1080 Max texture-map image Height

TinyPNG.com Service

TinyPNG service does advanced lossy compression for PNG images that preserves full alpha transparency.

It is free of charge for convert up to 500 images per month. So, up to 500 texture maps, which often is more than enough.

Receive API key

To use TinyPNG service you need to receive API key.

Add API key to your config.json

create (or edit) following section in config.json:

"tinypng-api-keys": [{
    "used" : 0,
    "month": 0,
    "year" : 0,
    "key"  : "YOUR-RECEIVED-KEY"

After first use of tinypng.com service this information will be updated with correct month/year/used values.

palette options object (TODO-it was changed - implement and update README)

palette | null or palette options object (see below). Default: null

option description
colors # of colors in desired palette. colors number <= 256 will result in 8bit indexed png.
quantizationMethod histogram method, 2: min-population threshold within sub-regions; 1: global top-population Default: 2
ditheringKernel dithering kernel name, see available kernels below. Default: null
useSerpentineDitheringPattern true - use serpentine dithering. Default: false
minimumHueColors # of colors per hue group to evaluate regardless of counts, to retain low-count hues

dithering kernels (TODO-it was changed - implement and update README)


  • "FloydSteinberg"
  • "FalseFloydSteinberg"
  • "Stucki"
  • "Atkinson"
  • "Jarvis"
  • "Burkes"
  • "Sierra"
  • "TwoSierra"
  • "SierraLite"

config.json example

    "folders" : {
        "source" : "./",
        "target" : "../source",
        "images(index.html)" : "images"
    "exclude" : ".*wl.*",
    "templates" : [
    "task-defaults" : {
        "brute-force-time" : 0,
        "trim" : {
            "enable" : true,
            "alpha" : 0
        "data-uri" : {
            "enable" : true,
            "max-size" : 32512,
            "create-image-file-anyway" : false
        "grid-step" : 1,
        "padding-x" : 0,
        "padding-y" : 0,
        "compress" : {
            "tiny-png" : false
    "copy-tasks" : [
            "folder" : "lviv-ukraine-backgrounds",
            "data-uri" : {
                "enable" : true,
                "max-size" : 32512,
                "create-image-file-anyway" : false
    "texture-map-tasks" : [
            "folder" : "creative-nerds-wooden-icons",
            "texture-map-file" : "creative-nerds-wooden-icons.png",
            "brute-force-time" : 0,
            "grid-step" : 1,
            "padding-x" : 0,
            "padding-y" : 0,
            "repeat-x" : false,
            "repeat-y" : false,
            "compress" : {
                "tiny-png" : false
            "data-uri" : {
                "enable" : true,
                "max-size" : 32768,
                "create-image-file-anyway" : false
            "trim" : {
                "enable" : true,
                "alpha" : 0
            "folder" : "recursive",
            "compression" : {
                "tinypng" : false
            "folder" : "buttons",
            "repeat-x" : true
    "tinypng-api-keys" : [
            "used" : 22,
            "month" : 8,
            "year" : 2015,
            "key" : "fjhdsajkfjdsahjfkhdsajfhjdsakhfjkdshajkh-"

Own (Custom) Template

Texturer uses Handlebars as templating engine and exports next variables:

maps variable

Contains Array of Texture Map descriptions, each description is an object with following properties:

property value
url relative texture map image url
data-uri data URI of texture map image or null
width texture map image width
height texture map image height
repeat-x all textures in texture map are repeatable by X axis
repeat-y all textures in texture map are repeatable by Y axis
is-last-item decorative, used in templates to know if to/not to emit comma

textures variable

Contains Array of Texture descriptions, each description is an object with following properties:

property value
id original texture file name without extension
file original texture file name
map-index texture map image index in maps array
url relative texture map image url (it is better to emit maps and use map-index instead of url)
data-uri data URI of texture map image or null
x x coordinate in texture map image
y y coordinate in texture map image
width width of image in texture map image
height height of image in texture map image
real-width real width (before trim applied) of original texture
real-height real height (before trim applied) of original texture
trim trim rectangle (left, right, top, bottom) - number of pixels trimmed from each side
opaque is texture opaque
repeat-x is texture repeatable by X axis
repeat-y is texture repeatable by Y axis
is-last-item decorative, used in templates to know if to/not to emit comma

Enable Template Usage in config.json

You need to add to config.json template file name as follows (see config.json format):

    "templates" : [

Template Example


// Statistics:
// - textures: {{textures.length}}
// - textureMaps: {{maps.length}}

var Game = Game || {};
(function(config) {

    var maps = [{{#each maps}}
            url        : "{{#if data-uri}}{{data-uri}}{{else}}{{url}}{{/if}}",
            width      : {{width}},
            height     : {{height}},
            repeatX    : {{repeat-x}},
            repeatY    : {{repeat-y}}
        }{{#unless is-last-item}}, {{/unless}}{{/each}}

    config.texturePool = { {{#each textures}}
        "{{id}}" : {
            map        : maps[{{map-index}}],
            x          : {{x}},
            y          : {{y}},
            width      : {{real-width}},
            height     : {{real-height}},
            opaque     : {{opaque}},
            trim       : { left : {{trim.left}}, right : {{trim.right}}, top : {{trim.top}}, bottom : {{trim.bottom}} }
        }{{#unless is-last-item}}, {{/unless}}{{/each}}

})(Game.config = Game.config || {});


  1. integrate with image-quantization-library

  2. interlaced jpeg decoding (?)

  3. ability to work only in memory without writing files to disk. usable for ui tools

Change Log

0.2.2 - August 13, 2015

  • config: task-defaults was not used
  • templates: templates supports for data-uri instead of dataURI
  • build: Version 1.6.0-dev.20150905 of typescript is supported, package.json and tsconfig.json files updated

0.2.1 - August 13, 2015

  • build: Version 1.6.0-dev.20150813 of typescript is supported
  • templates array may now contain relative to config.json path and absolute path to template file
  • template file can have any extension, not only .hbs, however Handlebars is still used
  • files moved to correct folders
  • .npmignore created
  • npm run clean - clean script added to package.json

0.2.0 - August 13, 2015

  • TypeScript migration finished
  • Refactoring
  • config.json format changed (see updated README.md above)

0.1.2 - July 6, 2015

  • bin/texturer is now has optional parameter - config.json file name
  • alpha-threshold property added to compression options

0.1.1 - June 2, 2015

  • bug fix: no files copied w/o at least one texture map creation
  • filter config.json property name changed to exclude
  • added templates config.json property
  • typescript migration started

0.1.0 - May 5, 2015

  • opaque property added to output templates (true if texture has no pixels with alpha)

0.0.14 - March 4, 2015

  • disable-trim is added to compression options

0.0.13 - 18 Nov 2014

  • regexp restart fix for file name filtering

0.0.12 - 15 Nov 2014

  • filtering file/folder names is now possible (via global "filter" regex)
  • recursive folders support
  • it is now possible to have duplicate texture id because of recursive folders. error handling added in this case

0.0.11 - 2 Nov 2014

  • templates updated: now width in template is real-width, not trimmed width. the same for height.
  • format of config.json changed. see updated example/resources/config.json
  • issues running from node-webkit fixed
  • issues running node from node-webkit fixed

0.0.10 - 2 Nov 2014

  • clusterQueue fixed
  • code cleanup
  • possibility to require texturer module from code
  • fixed copy files task - now it copies files, not just creates links

0.0.9 - 31 Oct 2014

  • published to npm

0.0.6 - 31 Oct 2014

  • tinypng.com service integrated
  • code cleanup

0.0.5 - 28 Oct 2014

  • trim support added

0.0.4 - 23 Oct 2014

  • image compression options added
  • small bugs fixed
  • code cleanup

0.0.3 - 22 Oct 2014

  • Code cleanup
  • texturePool.js: texture map image should be in url instead of image file name itself
  • url is now escaped (encodeURI)
  • handlebars templates implemented (/src/templates/*.hbs)
  • optional base64 encoding implemented

0.0.2 - 19 Oct 2014

  • Code cleanup, small fixes

0.0.1 - 19 Oct 2014

  • First version


Example Images were taken from:

Palette Quantization

Image decoders/encoders:

Node-Webkit and Cluster Module

TODO texturer now use child_process.fork instead of cluster module TODO check current node-webkit version

Due to issues in node-webkit you will need to do some additional steps:

  • in some node file (which is required from web javascript file) you should set execPath to node.exe instead of nw.exe
var path = require("path");
process.execPath = path.join(path.dirname(process.execPath), '..', 'folder_with_node_exe', 'node.exe');
  • on cluster initialization you will need to set silent attribute to true
    'exec': __dirname + '/worker.js',
    'silent': true
