
tailor for toursforfun frontend

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tfTailor from '';


 ______                    ____           ____
/_  __/__  __ _________   / __/__  ____  / __/_ _____
 / / / _ \/ // / __(_-<  / _// _ \/ __/ / _// // / _ \
/_/  \___/\___/_/ /___/ /_/  \___/_/   /_/  \___/_//_/

Tailor for ToursForFun Frontend


Based on webpack@3.x

  • HTML

    • Multi pages support
  • Style

    • Less to css
    • CSS sprite
  • DevTool

    • Source Map
    • Hot reload middleware
  • ES6 spport

    • babel-preset-env
    • babel-preset-stage-2
  • Lint

    • ES Lint
    • Sty leLint
    • HTML Lint
    • Pre push
  • Advanced

    • ES6 Support
    • VUE Supported
    • Mock Server
    • Parallel
    • TODO MORE...

Geting Started

  • Install tailor global

npm install -g tf-tailor
  • Run tailor

tailor -e test
  • Options

    • e: environment,devtestprod,default dev
    • c: config, json config in CLI,will rewrite the default config
    • f: config file
    • r: regexp for modules which are compiled
    • p: parallel,multiple threads support
  • Env config

    • tailor.config.json
    • json config in CLI,config will rewrite the config file
    CLI JSON config > file config > tailor.config.json
  • example

    tailor -e dev  (default)
    tailor -e test -f custom.env.json
    tailor -e test -c {output:{path:'custom-dest'},input:{path:'custom-src'}}
    tailor -r product
    tailor -p parallel