
Tensorflow.JS model viewer

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tfjsModelView from '';



tfjs-model-view is a library for in browser visualization of neural network intended for use with TensorFlow.js.


  • Automatically render of the neural net
  • Automatically update weights/biases/values

The library also aims to be flexible and make it easy for you to incorporate.


Sample rendering output




new ModelView(model)


new ModelView(model, {
    printStats: true,
    radius: 25,
    renderLinks: true,
    xOffset: 100,
    renderNode(ctx, node) {
      const { x, y, value } = node;
      ctx.font = '10px Arial';
      ctx.fillStyle = '#000';
      ctx.textAlign = 'center';
      ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';
      ctx.fillText(Math.round(value * 100) / 100, x, y);
    onBeginRender: renderer => {
      const { renderContext } = renderer;
      renderContext.fillStyle = '#000';
      renderContext.textAlign = 'end';
      renderContext.font = '12px Arial';
      renderContext.fillText('Sepal Length (cm)', 110, 110);
      renderContext.fillText('Sepal Width (cm)', 110, 136);
      renderContext.fillText('Petal Length (cm)', 110, 163);
      renderContext.fillText('Petal Width (cm)', 110, 190);

      renderContext.textAlign = 'start';
      renderContext.fillText('Setosa', renderer.width - 60, 95);
      renderContext.fillText('Versicolor', renderer.width - 60, 150);
      renderContext.fillText('Virginica', renderer.width - 60, 205);
    layer: {
      'dense_Dense1_input': {
        domain: [0, 8],
        color: [165, 130, 180]
      'dense_Dense1/dense_Dense1': {
        color: [125, 125, 125]
      'dense_Dense2/dense_Dense2': {
        color: [125, 125, 125]
      'dense_Dense3/dense_Dense3': {
        nodePadding: 30


new ModelView(model, {
  /** renders the list of layers **/
  printStats: true,

  /** Default domain for color intensity **/
  domain: [0, 1],

  /** Default node radius **/
  radius: 6,

  /** Default node padding **/
  nodePadding: 2,

  /** Default layer padding **/
  layerPadding: 20,

  /** Default group padding **/
  groupPadding: 1,
  /** Horizontal padding **/
  xPadding: 10,

  /** Vertical padding **/
  yPadding: 10,
  /** Render links between layers **/
  renderLinks: false,
  /** Stroke node outer circle **/
  nodeStroke: true,

  /** custom render node function **/
  renderNode: (ctx, node, nodeIdx) => {...},

  /** If present will be executed before node rendering **/
  onBeginRender: renderer => { ... },

  /** If present will be executed after all node rendering is finished **/
  onEndRender: renderer => { ... },

  /** Personalized layer configuration **/
  /** All defaults can be overridden for each layer individually **/
  layer: {
    'layerName': {
      /** Any property mentioned above **/

      /** Reshape layer to antoher [cols, rows, groups] layout **/
      reshape: [4, 4, 8]


You can install this using npm with

npm install tfjs-model-view

or using yarn with

yarn add tfjs-model-view

Building from source

To build the library, you need to have node.js installed. We use yarn instead of npm but you can use either.

First install dependencies with



npm install

You can start the dev environment using

yarn dev


npm run dev

Sample Usage


Found a bug or have a feature request? Please file an issue