
A tool to interact with Riot's TFT API

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tftQuery from '';



An interface to interact with Riot's TFT Api. Supports native redis caching.

How to install: npm i tft-query


This library is under heavy development and currently I am the only one maintaing the project. Feel free to submit a PR on any bug fixes, logic clean up, or additions to the library. There are currently no main action items but I will add some shortly.

Basic start

    const TftQuery = require('tft-query');
    const payload = { summonerName: 'scarra' };
    const region = 'NA';

    const config = {
        region, /* <String> */
        payload, /* <Object> See documentation for more info */
        yourApiKey, /* by default it will be process.env.API_KEY */
        useRedis, /* <Boolean> Default is true, set to false if you dont want to use redis. */
        redisConfig, /* <Object> Default is false, can pass custom redis config here */
    const tftQuery = new TftQuery(config);    

    const asyncFunction = async () => {
        try {
            const data = await tftQuery.getSummonerBySummonerName();
            // do something with data...
        } catch(err) {
            throw new Error(err);


The config Object.

    const config = {
    const tftQuery = new TftQuery(config);

Argument #1: region

Currently there is only support for NA, will add more regions shortly.

    // Data type: <String>
    const region = 'NA'

Argument #2: payload

The payload object is our way of passing data to the requests. See each specific method for the required payload, however this is all the currently supported fields. Refer to the official Riot API for more info on the data types

    // All the current payload key names and there data types
    const payload = {
        summonerName, /* <String> */
        puuid, /* <String> */
        accountId, /* <String> */
        summonerId, /* <String> */
        count, /* <Integer> */
        matchId, /* <String> */
        matchIds, /* <Array>:<String> */
        leagueId, /* <String> */
        tier, /* <String> */
        division, /* <String> */

Argument #3: apiKey

This is simply your riot API key. Default param for this is process.env.API_KEY

Argument #4: useRedis

Set to true to enable and false to disable.

Argument #5: redisConfig

This is where you can pass your custom redis config. By default it will be:

    const defaultRedisOptions = {
        host: '',
        port: 6379,
        keyPrefix: 'tft-'

Summoner Route Methods

These are in line with the TFT API documentation.


Required in payload: summonerName: <String>

Example Query

    const payload = { summonerName: 'yourSummonerName' };
    const config = { region, payload, apiKey, useReids, redisConfig };
    const tftQuery = new TftQuery(config);
    const asyncFunc = async () => {
        try {
            const response = await tftQuery.getSummonerBySummonerName();
            // Do something with response...
        } catch(err) {
            throw new Error(err);

Example Response

        id, /* <String> */
        accountId, /* <String> */
        puuid, /* <String> */
        name, /* <String> */
        profileIconId, /* <Integer> */
        revisionDate, /* <Date> */
        summonerLevel /* <Integer> */


Required in payload: accountId: <String>

Example Query

    const payload = { accountId: 'yourAccountId' };
    const config = { region, payload, apiKey, useReids, redisConfig };
    const tftQuery = new TftQuery(config);
    const asyncFunc = async () => {
        try {
            const response = await tftQuery.getSummonerByAccountId();
            // Do something with response...
        } catch(err) {
            throw new Error(err);

Example Response

        id, /* <String> */
        accountId, /* <String> */
        puuid, /* <String> */
        name, /* <String> */
        profileIconId, /* <Integer> */
        revisionDate, /* <Date> */
        summonerLevel /* <Integer> */


Required in payload: puuid: <String>

Example Query

    const payload = { puuid: 'yourPuuid' };
    const config = { region, payload, apiKey, useReids, redisConfig };
    const tftQuery = new TftQuery(config);
    const asyncFunc = async () => {
        try {
            const response = await tftQuery.getSummonerByPuuid();
            // Do something with response...
        } catch(err) {
            throw new Error(err);

Example Response

        id, /* <String> */
        accountId, /* <String> */
        puuid, /* <String> */
        name, /* <String> */
        profileIconId, /* <Integer> */
        revisionDate, /* <Date> */
        summonerLevel /* <Integer> */


Required in payload: summonerId: <String>

Example Query

    const payload = { summonerId: 'yourSummonerId' };
    const config = { region, payload, apiKey, useReids, redisConfig };
    const tftQuery = new TftQuery(config);
    const asyncFunc = async () => {
        try {
            const response = await tftQuery.getSummonerBySummonerId();
            // Do something with response...
        } catch(err) {
            throw new Error(err);

Example Response

        id, /* <String> */
        accountId, /* <String> */
        puuid, /* <String> */
        name, /* <String> */
        profileIconId, /* <Integer> */
        revisionDate, /* <Date> */
        summonerLevel /* <Integer> */

Match Route Methods

These are all in line with the Riot TFT API routes.


Required in payload: puuid: <String>

Optional in payload: count: <Integer>, default is 20

Example Query

    const payload = { puuid: 'yourPuuid', count: 15 };
    const config = { region, payload, apiKey, useReids, redisConfig };
    const tftQuery = new TftQuery(config);
    const asyncFunc = async () => {
        try {
            const response = await tftQuery.getMatchByPuuidAndCount();
            // Do something with response...
        } catch(err) {
            throw new Error(err);

Example Response



Required in payload: matchId: <String>

Example Query

    const payload = { matchId: 'yourMatchId' };
    const config = { region, payload, apiKey, useReids, redisConfig };
    const tftQuery = new TftQuery(config);
    const asyncFunc = async () => {
        try {
            const response = await tftQuery.getMatchByMatchId();
            // Do something with response...
        } catch(err) {
            throw new Error(err);

Example Response

        metadata: {
            data_version, /* <String> */
            match_id, /* <String> */
            participants, /* <Array>:<String> */
        info: {
            game_datetime, /* <Integer> */
            game_length, /* <Integer> */
            game_version, /* <String> */
            participants, /* <Array>:<Object> */
            queue_id, /* <Integer> */
            tft_mode, /* <String> */
            tft_set_number, /* <Integer> */

League Route Methods


Required in payload: No requirements

Example Query

    const payload = {};
    const config = { region, payload, apiKey, useReids, redisConfig };
    const tftQuery = new TftQuery(config);
    const asyncFunc = async () => {
        try {
            const response = await tftQuery.getChallengerLeague();
            // Do something with response...
        } catch(err) {
            throw new Error(err);

Example Response

        tier, /* <String> */
        leagueId, /* <String> */
        queue, /* <String> */
        name, /* <String> */
        entries, /* <Array>:<Object> */


Required in payload: No requirements

Example Query

    const payload = {};
    const config = { region, payload, apiKey, useReids, redisConfig };
    const tftQuery = new TftQuery(config);
    const asyncFunc = async () => {
        try {
            const response = await tftQuery.getMasterLeague();
            // Do something with response...
        } catch(err) {
            throw new Error(err);

Example Response

        tier, /* <String> */
        leagueId, /* <String> */
        queue, /* <String> */
        name, /* <String> */
        entries, /* <Array>:<Object> */


Required in payload: No requirements

Example Query

    const payload = {};
    const config = { region, payload, apiKey, useReids, redisConfig };
    const tftQuery = new TftQuery(config);
    const asyncFunc = async () => {
        try {
            const response = await tftQuery.getGrandMasterLeague();
            // Do something with response...
        } catch(err) {
            throw new Error(err);

Example Response

        tier, /* <String> */
        leagueId, /* <String> */
        queue, /* <String> */
        name, /* <String> */
        entries, /* <Array>:<Object> */


Required in payload: summonerId: <String>

Example Query

    const payload = { summonerId: 'yourSummonerId' };
    const config = { region, payload, apiKey, useReids, redisConfig };
    const tftQuery = new TftQuery(config);
    const asyncFunc = async () => {
        try {
            const response = await tftQuery.getLeagueBySummonerId();
            // Do something with response...
        } catch(err) {
            throw new Error(err);

Example Response

            leagueId, /* <String> */ 
            queueType, /* <String> */
            tier, /* <String> */
            rank, /* <String> */
            summonerId, /* <String> */
            summonerName, /* <String> */
            leaguePoints, /* <Integer> */
            wins, /* <Integer> */
            losses, /* <Integer> */
            veteran, /* <Boolean> */
            inactive, /* <Boolean> */
            freshBlood, /* <Boolean> */
            hotStreak, /* <Boolean> */


Required in payload: leagueId: <String>

Example Query

    const payload = { leagueId: 'yourLeagueId' };
    const config = { region, payload, apiKey, useReids, redisConfig };
    const tftQuery = new TftQuery(config);
    const asyncFunc = async () => {
        try {
            const response = await tftQuery.getLeagueByLeagueId();
            // Do something with response...
        } catch(err) {
            throw new Error(err);

Example Response

        tier, /* <String> */
        leagueId, /* <String> */
        queue, /* <String> */
        name, /* <String> */
        entries, /* <Array>:<Object> */


Required in payload: tier: <String>, division: <String>

Optional in payload: count: <Integer>, default is 1

Example Query

    const payload = { tier: 'DIAMOND', division: 'I' };
    const config = { region, payload, apiKey, useReids, redisConfig };
    const tftQuery = new TftQuery(config);
    const asyncFunc = async () => {
        try {
            const response = await tftQuery.getLeagueByTierAndDivision();
            // Do something with response...
        } catch(err) {
            throw new Error(err);

Example Response

            leagueId, /* <String> */ 
            queueType, /* <String> */
            tier, /* <String> */
            rank, /* <String> */
            summonerId, /* <String> */
            summonerName, /* <String> */
            leaguePoints, /* <Integer> */
            wins, /* <Integer> */
            losses, /* <Integer> */
            veteran, /* <Boolean> */
            inactive, /* <Boolean> */
            freshBlood, /* <Boolean> */
            hotStreak, /* <Boolean> */
            leagueId, /* <String> */ 
            queueType, /* <String> */
            tier, /* <String> */
            rank, /* <String> */
            summonerId, /* <String> */
            summonerName, /* <String> */
            leaguePoints, /* <Integer> */
            wins, /* <Integer> */
            losses, /* <Integer> */
            veteran, /* <Boolean> */
            inactive, /* <Boolean> */
            freshBlood, /* <Boolean> */
            hotStreak, /* <Boolean> */

Custom Methods

There are not in line with the official docs and are formatted by myself. Please feel free to contribute your own with a PR. Or optimize existing ones as they are in a preliminary phase.


Info: This route returns match info from the getMatchByMatchId in an object, usefull for fetching many matches.

Required in payload: matchIds: <Array>:<String>

Example Query

    const payload = { matchIds: [ 'NA_1', 'NA_2', 'more...'] };
    const config = { region, payload, apiKey, useReids, redisConfig };
    const tftQuery = new TftQuery(config);
    const asyncFunc = async () => {
        try {
            const response = await tftQuery.getBatchOfMatchInfo();
            // Do something with response...
        } catch(err) {
            throw new Error(err);

Example Response

        game1: {
            metadata: {
                data_version, /* <String> */
                match_id, /* <String> */
                participants, /* <Array>:<String> */
            info: {
                game_datetime, /* <Integer> */
                game_length, /* <Integer> */
                game_version, /* <String> */
                participants, /* <Array>:<Object> */
                queue_id, /* <Integer> */
                tft_mode, /* <String> */
                tft_set_number, /* <Integer> */


Info: This route returns an overview of a single summoners info. Their last 20 matches along with the ids, and the general account and ranking info. See the exmaple response for more detail.

Required in payload: summonerName: <String>

Example Query

    const payload = { summonerName: 'yourSummonerName' };
    const config = { region, payload, apiKey, useReids, redisConfig };
    const tftQuery = new TftQuery(config);
    const asyncFunc = async () => {
        try {
            const response = await tftQuery.getAllInfoBySummonerName();
            // Do something with response...
        } catch(err) {
            throw new Error(err);

Example Response

        id, /* <String> */
        accountId, /* <String> */
        puuid, /* <String> */
        name, /* <String> */
        profileIconId, /* <Integer> */
        revisionDate, /* <Integer> */
        summonerLevel, /* <Integer> */
        leagueId, /* <String> */
        queueType, /* <String> */
        tier, /* <String> */
        rank, /* <String> */
        summonerId, /* <String> */
        summonerName, /* <String> */
        leaguePoints, /* <Integer> */
        wins, /* <Integer> */
        losses, /* <Integer> */
        veteran, /* <Boolean> */
        inactive, /* <Boolean> */
        freshBlood, /* <Boolean> */
        hotStreak, /* <Boolean> */
        matchIds,  /* <Array>:<String> */
        allMatchInfo, /* <Object>:<Object> */