
Tools for getting extra TFS/VSTS/ADO info

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tftools from '';



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from a new directory npm install tftools

or for the global CLI npm install -g tftools

including the reference const ADOToolsModule = require(“tftools”)


Using the CLI


$ tftools velocities -h                                                                                                                                          
Usage: velocities [options]

get  velocities for all teams in a project

  --project <name>            the ADO project analyze (default: "<ENTER A PROJECT NAME>")
  -c, --count <count>         the number of team velocities to collect
  -f --file_name <name>       the name of the output file. Defaults to velocities.csv (default: "velocities.csv")
  --exclude <excluded teams>  comma separated list of teams to exclude
  --include <included teams>  comma separated list of teams to include
  -x, --over_write            over write the output file if it exists
  -C, --count_items           count items instead of summing effort
  -p, --planned <days>        extra days to count from the start of the sprint for planned work (default: 0)
  -l, --late <days>           extra days to count from the end of the sprint for late work (default: 0)
  -h, --help                  output usage information


$ tftools velocities -f ~/Desktop/velocities.csv -c 4 -x -p 3 -l 2   --pat iszadpfub08adfsdgf7ybh9adfh9ahf6l3273c2nrxjphlqa --domain  --project ContosoScrum --exclude "Data Center Engineering,Business Systems"
  • This will get the data for the last 4 sprints for all teams except "Data Center Engineering" and "Business Systems." It will count anything completed 2 days after the sprint end as "late" and will include anything added to the backlod 3 days after the sprint start.

Using as a module

Example for getting the velocities for all teams in a project:

Make a file with this contents in the new directory:

var tfsOpts = {
   ADO_HOST            : “YOUR DOMAIN”, //your domain for ADO, ex:

tfsOpts.PAT = “PAT VALUE”; //your ADO PAT

const ADOToolsModule = require(“tftools”)

var velocityOpts = {
   outFile : `~/Desktop/2velocities.csv`,
   projectId:“PROJECT NAME”, //The name of your project, ex: MBScrum
   count : 2

void (async()=>{
   let ADOTools = ADOToolsModule(tfsOpts)
   let results = await ADOTools.velocities(velocityOpts)

update the contents of the file, including count and PAT

after that, either debug from your nodejs environment, or run node NAME_OF_YOUR_FILE in the terminal