
React Router named routes i18n extension

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tgI18nNamedRoutes from '';


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A drop-in extension of tg-named-routes to provide language specific named routes in collaboration with react-i18next.


yarn add tg-i18n-named-routes


- import { buildUrlCache } from 'tg-named-routes';
+ import { buildUrlCache, createLanguageRoutes, storeLanguages, getDefaultLanguageRedirect } from 'tg-i18n-named-routes';
- const routes = [
+ const routes = createLanguageRoutes(
+     'et', // default language
+     ['et', 'en'], // all languages
          component: App,
          routes: [
-                 path: '/',
+                 path: {  // provide paths for both languages
+                     et: '/et',
+                     en: '/en',
+                 },
                  name: 'landing',
                  render: props => null,
-                 path: '/uudised',
+                 path: {
+                     et: '/et/uudised',
+                     en: '/en/news',
+                 },
                  name: 'news',
                  render: props => null,
+             getDefaultLanguageRedirect('landing', null) // redirect from / -> /et (the default language)
+ storeLanguages(['et', 'en']); // all languages
  export default routes;

Next make sure to use i18n specific versions of NamedRedirect and NamedLink. The easiest way to do that is by changing all your imports to use tg-i18n-named-routes instead of tg-named-routes as this package re-exports everything from original named routes package:

- import { NamedLink } from 'tg-named-routes';
+ import { NamedLink } from 'tg-i18n-named-routes';

Finally replace any usages of resolvePath/stringifyLocation/resolvePattern with hooks based versions:

  • resolvePath -> useI18nResolvePath
  • stringifyLocation -> useI18nStringifyLocation
  • resolvePattern -> useI18nResolvePattern

for example:

  import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
- import { resolvePath } from 'tg-named-routes';
+ import { useI18nResolvePath } from 'tg-i18n-named-routes';

  const ExampleComponent = () => {
+     const resolvePath = useI18nResolvePath();
      return (
          <Link to={resolvePath('landing')} />


MIT © Thorgate