
A complete form builder for react.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import thReactFrombuilder2 from '';


npm version


A complete react form builder that interfaces with a json endpoint to load and save generated forms.

  • Upgraded to React 16.4.1
  • Use react-dnd for Drag & Drop
  • Show posted data on readonly form

Editing Items

Basic Usage

var React = require('react');
var FormBuilder = require('th-react-formbuilder1');

  <FormBuilder.ReactFormBuilder />,

/// For Previe Form link ver1.2.2
  <FormBuilder.DemoBar />,


var items = [{
  key: 'Header',
  name: 'Header Text',
  icon: 'fa fa-header',
  static: true,
  content: 'Placeholder Text...'
  key: 'Paragraph',
  name: 'Paragraph',
  static: true,
  icon: 'fa fa-paragraph',
  content: 'Placeholder Text...'

const existingItems = function () {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    return resolve([
        allowDelete: false,
        "id": "DEA93ED6-54AE-4F4F-A785-E76F75C11006",
        "element": "FileInput",
        "text": "FileInput",
        "required": false,
        "fieldName": "file_2DFCB94D-A736-4CD2-89E9-42CFD9A51A75",
        "label": "Placeholder Label"

// function to get field list data from form builder
getData(e) {
  this.setState({ fieldsList: e });

// function to get field list data from form builder database
getList(fieldsList) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    return resolve(this.state.fieldsList)

  onLoad={existingItems || () => this.getList(this.state.fieldsList)}
  onPost={(e) => this.getData(e)}
  saveUrl='path/to/POST/built/form.json' />

Form Params

Name Type Required? Description
url string Optional URL path of list of existing fields. Eg. ->path/to/GET/initial.json
toolbarItems string Optional Verb used in the form submission.
saveUrl string Optional Defines form submit button text. Defaults to "Submit"
onLoad function optional Invoke when rendering form Preview component.
onPost function optional Invoke when submit data, if exists will override form post.

React Form Generator

Now that a form is built and saved, let's generate it from the saved json.

var React = require('react');
var FormBuilder = require('th-react-formbuilder1');

let answerData = {
    "text_input_DEA657C9-4404-4A16-A935-9D9E4E235D6E" : "Test Value",
    "text_input_DEA657C9-2345-4A16-A935-9D9E4E235D6E" : "Another Test Value",

    task_id={12} // Used to submit a hidden variable with the id to the form from the database.
    answer_data={answerData} // Answer data, only used if loading a pre-existing form with values.
    authenticity_token={AUTH_TOKEN} // If using Rails and need an auth token to submit form.

Form Params

Name Type Required? Description
form_action string Required URL path to submit the form
form_method string Required Verb used in the form submission.
action_name string Optional Defines form submit button text. Defaults to "Submit"
onSubmit function optional Invoke when submit data, if exists will override form post.
back_action string Optional URL path to go back if needed.
back_name string Optional Button text for back action. Defaults to "Cancel".
task_id integer Optional User to submit a hidden variable with id to the form on the backend database.
answer_data array Optional Answer data, only used if loading a pre-existing form with values.
authenticity_token string Optional If using Rails and need an auth token to submit form.
hide_actions boolean Optional If you would like to hide the submit / cancel buttons set to true.
skip_validations boolean Optional Suppress form validations on submit, if set to true.
read_only boolean Optional Shows a read only version which has fields disabled and removes "required" labels.
variables object Optional Key/value object that can be used for Signature variable replacement.

Read only Signatures

Read only signatures allow you to use a saved/canned signature to be placed into the form. The signature will be passed in through the variables property to ReactFormGenerator and ReactFormBuilder.

To use a read only signature, choose the "Read only" option and enter the key value of the variable that will be used to pass in the signature.

The signature data should be in base 64 format.

There is a variables.js file that contains a sample base 64 signature. This variable is passed into the demo builder and generator for testing. Use the variable key "JOHN" to test the variable replacement.

Vendor Dependencies

In order to make the form builder look pretty, there are a few dependencies other than React. See the example code in index.html for more details.

  • Bootstrap
  • FontAwesome
  • Primereact


All relevant styles are located in css/application.css.scss.


$ npm install
$ npm run build:dist
$ npm run serve:api
$ npm start
$ npm run package

Then navigate to http://localhost:8080/ in your browser and you should be able to see the form builder in action.


$ npm test

Test is not working at this moment.