
NodeJS package for logging

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import theButcher from '';


The Butcher

NodeJS package for logging.


Use the package manager npm to install the-butcher.

npm install the-butcher


var logger = require("the-butcher");

// Config example
const loggerConfig = {
    // Object for logger config to get event description and a field value
    entities: {
        // key - name of an entity, value (string) - main field of an entity (to get entity_name). Default - {}
        'file': {field: "name"},
        'user': {field: "email"},
        'place': {field: "id", requests: ['getinfo', 'add', 'find']}, /* entity can have a list of requests,
        so in case logger can't get entity from request url, it will get it from this array */
    }, /* also can be just object 'entity', then you will force the logger to describe the entity in log
       example - entity: { type: 'Conference', field: 'id'} */
    writeToFile: true, // (boolean) true - write to log file, false - write to stdout. Default - false
    user: currentUser, // (string) currentUser name. Example - "ae.sypchenko". Default - " " or if its not undefined
    file: "./src/debug.log", // (string) file you want your logs to be added to. If omitted, system will create 'debug.log' file in your root directory.
    requestDescription: 'Something happend' || { 'deletetopic': text: "Delete topic", field: "id"  } /* (string) || (object) used to describe event
     in event_message. Result example -  'Something happend' || 'Delete topic 345'. Default - undefined */
    field: "name", /* (string) field to get event message if requestDescription is omitted. Default "name" */

// add to Express.js
app.all("*", (req, res, next) => {
    logger(req, res, loggerConfig);

// add to NestJS
app.use("*", (req, res, next) => {
    logger(req, res, loggerConfig);

// example for just one request'addcard', (req, res, next) => {
    const loggerConfig = {
        entity: { type: 'card', field: 'name'} // e.g let card = { name: 'New Card'}
        user: currentUser,
        requestDescription: 'User added a card';
    logger(req, res, loggerConfig);

Log Format

    "timestamp": "2020-07-30T06:57:35.629Z",
    "log_type": "audit",
    "client_ip": "1",
    "username": "ttonya",
    "entity_type": "card",
    "entity_name": "Some Card",
    "event_type": "create",
    "event_message": "Some card created",
    "event_success": "true"

    "timestamp": "2020-07-30T06:57:35.629Z",
    "log_type": "audit",
    "client_ip": "1",
    "username": "ttonya",
    "entity_type": "card",
    "entity_name": "New Card",
    "event_type": "create",
    "event_message": "User added a card - New Card",
    "event_success": "true"