
A general purpose normalized Redux entity framework

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import theReducer from '';


The Reducer

the-reducer is a fully typed generic Typescript Redux reducer generator designed to work on any normalized relational data.


  • Simple - Creating a new entity (which includes the reducer, action creators, and selectors) is as easy as defining a type, and an entity definition object.
  • Fully typed - Providing complete type hinting in IDEs.
  • Flexible - works with any kind of entity type, including singleton entities.
  • Composable - The standard entity functions can be composed into custom entity APIs.
  • Optimized - Entity actions are processed only by the associated reducer. Third-party actions are ignored entirely.


npm install --save the-reducer

Basic Usage Example

// myEntity.redux.ts`

import { entity } from 'the-reducer';

interface MyEntity {
    id:string; // <--Required

const myEntityDef = {
    module: "myModule",
    entity: "myEntity",
    default: {id: "", name: "", count: "", isActive: ""}

export const myEntity = entity<MyEntity>(myEntityDef);

// reduxMain.js

import { myEntity } from './myEntity.redux.ts';
import { anotherEntity } from './anotherEntity.redux.ts';
import { aThirdEntity } from './aThirdEntity.redux.ts';
import { theReducer } from 'the-reducer';
import { combineReducers } from 'redux';

const reducer = combineReducers({
    theReducerEntities: theReducer.entity(myEntity, anotherEntity, aThirdEntity);

const store = createStore(reducer, ...);

// someReduxContainer.ts

import { myEntity } from './myEntity.redux.ts';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';

const Component = connect<...>(
    (state:any, props:any) => ({
        entity: myEntity.get(state,,
        otherEntities: myEntity.getMultiple(state, someFilter);
    (dispatch:any, props:any) => ({
        fetchEntityHandler:() => {
            someApi.getEntity( => {
        deleteEntityHandler() => {

Custom Entity Api Example

// toggle.redux.ts

import { entity } from 'the-reducer';

interface IToggle {

const toggleDefinition = {
    module: "ui",
    entity: "toggle",
    default: {id: "", isVisible: false}

interface IToggleRedux {
    reducer: IEntityReducer<IToggle>,
    show: (id:string) => IEntityAction<IToggle>;
    hide: (id:string) => IEntityAction<IToggle>;
    isOn: (state:IEntityContainer<IToggle>, id:string) => boolean;

const t = entity<IToggle>(toggleDefinition);
const toggle:IToggleRedux = {
    reducer: t.reducer,
    show: (id:string) => t.update({id, isVisible: true}),
    hide: (id:string) => t.update({id, isVisible: false}),
    isOn: (state:IEntityContainer<IToggle>, id:string) => t.get(state, id).isVisible || false

// Fetching data in mapStateToProps
toggle.isOn(state, "toggleId"); // => boolean

// Dispatching changes in mapDispatchToProps

Parent/Child Relationship Example

import { entity, getChildren, getParent } from 'the-reducer';

interface IComicArc {

const arcDefinition = {
    module: "comic",
    entity: "arc",
    default: {id: "", name: "", url: ""}

interface IComicPage {

const pageDefinition = {
    module: "comic",
    entity: "page",
    default: {id: "", name: "", description: "", arcId: "", sequence: 0}

interface IArcRedux extends Entity<IComicArc> {
    pages: ChildSelector<IComicPage>;
const arc:IArcRedux = {
    pages: getChildren<IComicPage>(pageDefinition, "arcId"),

interface IPageRedux extends Entity<IComicPage> {
    arc: ParentSelector<IComicArc, IComicPage>;
const page:IPageRedux = {
    arc: getParent<IComicArc, IComicPage>(arcDefinition, pageDefinition, "arcId"),

// Fetching parents and children in mapStateToProps
arc.pages(state, props.arcId); // => IComicPage[]
page.arc(state, props.pageId); // => IComicArc

Many to Many Relationship Example

interface IComicPage {

const pageDefinition = {
    module: "comic",
    entity: "page",
    default: {id: "", name: "", description: "", arcId: "", sequence: 0}

interface IMedia {

const mediaDefinition = {
    module: "media",
    entity: "file",
    default: {id: "", fileName: ""},

interface IPageMedia {
const pageMediaDefinition = {
    module: "media",
    entity: "pageMedia",
    default: {id: "", pageId: "", mediaId: ""}

interface IPageRedux extends Entity<IComicPage> {
    files: RelatedSelector<IPageMedia, IMedia>;
const page:IPageRedux = {
    files: getRelated<IPageMedia, IMedia>(pageMediaDefinition, mediaDefinition, "pageId", "mediaId")

interface IMediaRedux extends Entity<IMedia> {
    pages: RelatedSelector<IPageMedia, IComicPage>;
const media:IMediaRedux = {
    pages: getRelated<IPageMedia, IComicPage>(pageMediaDefinition, pageDefinition, "mediaId", "pageId")

interface IPageMediaRedux extends Entity<IPageMedia> {}
const pageMedia:IPageMediaRedux = entity<IPageMedia>(pageMediaDefinition);

// Fetching related entities in mapStateToProps
page.files(state, props.pageId); // => IMedia[]
media.pages(state, props.mediaId); // => IComicPage[]

API Reference

entity:<T, C = {}>(def:IEntityDefinition<T, C>) => Entity<T, C>

singleton:<T, C = {}>(def:IEntityDefinition<T>) => Singleton<T, C>

The entity and singleton functions provide everything needed to setup a new Redux reducer for your entities or singletons. The only requirement of the entity type T is that it has a string id field (this is not needed for singletons). C is optional and is the type of data needed for any custom reducers. The definition def has four fields:

  • module:string - The name of the module containing your entity.
  • entity:string - The name of the type of your entity.
  • default:T - A default value for your entity. This should contain default values for all fields.
  • customReducer?:ICustom[Entity|Singleton]Reducer<T, C> - An object containing custom reducers for this entity or singleton. The object keys are the custom reducer names, and the values are reducer functions in the form of (state:IEntityState<T>, data:C) => IEntityState<T> for entities and (state:T, data:C) => T for singletons.

The entity function returns an object with several fields:

  • reducer:IEntityReducer<T, C> - The reducer object for your entity. You will mostly ignore this field, since it's only purpose is to be extracted from the entity object when it is passed to the theReducer reducer creator function.
  • add:(entity:PartialEntity<T>) => IEntityAddAction<T> - An action creator which adds a single entity to the store.
  • addMultiple:(entities:PartialEntity<T>[]) => IEntityAddMultipleAction<T> - An action creator which adds multiple entities to the store.
  • update:(entity:PartialEntity<T>) => IEntityUpdateAction<T> - An action creator which updates a single entity in the store.
  • updateMultiple:(entities:PartialEntity<T>[]) => IEntityUpdateAction<T> - An action creator which updates multiple entities in the store.
  • delete:(id:string) => IEntityDeleteAction<T> - An action creator which deletes a single entity from the store.
  • deleteMultiple:(ids:string[]) => IEntityDeleteAction<T> - An action creator which deletes multiple entities from the store.
  • clear:() => IEntityClearAction<T> - An action to remove all entities of a given type.
  • custom:(type:string, data:C) => IEntityCustomAction<T, C> - Apply a custom action to the entities.
  • get:(state:IEntityContainer<T>, id:string) => Entity<T> - A selector which fetchs a single entity.
  • getMultiple:(state:IEntityContainer<T>, filter:Filter<PartialEntity<T>>) => Entity<T>[] - A selector which fetches multiple entities with an optional filter.
  • exists:(state:IEntityContainer<T>, id:string) => boolean - A selector which determines whether a given entity exists.

The singleton function returns an object with several fields:

  • reducer:ISingletonReducer<T> - same as from the entity function.
  • update:(entity:PartialSingleton<T>) => ISingltonUpdateAction<T> - An action creator which updates the singleton in the store.
  • get:(state:ISingletonContainer<T>) => T - A selector which fetchs the singleton.

theReducer.entity:(...reducers:IEntityReducerContainer<any, any>[]) => Reducer<ITheReducerState, IEntityAction<any>>

theReducer.singleton:(...reducers:ISingletonReducerContainer<any, any>[]) => Reducer<ISingletonTheReducerState, ISingletonAction<any>>

The theReducer functions combines separate [Entity|Singleton]Reducer objects into a single optimized reducer for the theReducer[Entities|Singletons] state slices. It is meant to be used in your main Redux file:

const reducer = combineReducers({
    theReducerEntities: theReducer.entity(myEntity, anotherEntity, ...),
    theReducerSingletons: theReducer.singleton(mySingleton, anotherSingleton, ...),

mergeEntityReducers:(...reducers:IEntityReducerContainer<any, any>[]) => IEntityReducerContainer<any, any>

mergeSingletonReducers:(...reducers:ISingletonReducerContainer<any, any>[]) => ISingletonReducerContainer<any, any>

For large applications, you may want to handle related entities and/or singletons within a single module to avoid polluting your main Redux file with every entity in the application:

import { myEntity } from './myEntity.ts';
... 100 other entity imports

const reducer = combineReducers({
    theReducerEntities: theReducer.entity(myEntity, ...100 other entities)

With the merge[Entity|Singleton]Reducers functions, you can combine related entities and/or singletons within a module to keep implementation details hidden:

// myModule.redux.ts
import { myEntity } from './myEntity.ts';
import { anotherEntity } from './anotherEntity.ts';
import { mergeEntityReducers } from 'the-reducer';

export const myModule = mergeEntityReducers(myEntity, anotherEntity);

// reduxMain.ts
import { myModule } from './myModule';
import { anotherModuleEntities, anotherModuleSingletons } from './anotherModule';

const reducer = combineReducers({
    theReducerEntities: theReducer.entity(myModule, anotherModuleEntities),
    theReducerSingletons: theReducer.singleton(anotherModuleSingletons)

getChildren:<T, C = {}>(childDef:IEntityDefinition<T, C>, field:string) => ChildSelector<T>

The getChildren function returns a ChildSelector<T> function where T is the type of the children entities. This selector function can be merged into the parent's entity to provide access to children entities:

const parent = {
    children: getChildren<IChild>(childDef, "parentId")

The child selector can then be called from the mapStateToProps function to fetch an entity's children:

    (state:any, props:any) => ({
        children: parent.children(state, props.parentId),

getParent:<P, C, PC = {}, CC = {}>(parentDef:IEntityDefinition<P, PC>, childDef:IEntityDefinition<C, CC>, field:string) => ParentSelector<P, C>

The getParent function returns a ParentSelector<P> function where P is the type of the parent entity. This selector function can be merged into the child's entity to provide access to the parent entity:

const child = {
    parent: getParent<IParent, IChild>(parentDef, childDef, "parentId")

The parent selector can then be called from the mapStateToProps function to fetch an entity's parent:

    (state:any, props:any) => ({
        parent: child.parent(state, props.childId),

getRelated:<R, B, RC = {}, RB = {}>(rDef:IEntityDefinition<R, RC>, bDef:IEntityDefinition<B, BC>, aField:string, bField:string) => RelatedSelector<R, B>

The getRelated function returns a RelatedSelector<R, B> function where B is the type of the related entity, and R is the type of the relation entity (the mapping table). This selector function can be merged into an entity to provide access to related entities:

const myEntity = {
    otherEntities: getRelated<IMyEntityOtherEntity, IOtherEntity>(myEntityOtherEntityDef, otherEntityDef, "myEntityId", "otherEntityId")

The related selector can then be called from the mapStateToProps function to fetch an entity's related objects:

    (state:any, props:any) => ({
        otherEntities: myEntity.otherEntities(state, props.myEntityId),