
Use bootstrap variables in your Javascript

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import toetag from '';



Use bootstrap variables in your Javascript

Why does this exist?!?!?!

So we can require shared vars from bootstrap for consistent look & feel without fooling with paths to less files after an npm dedupe. If you just want to use an existing bootstrap style, just use the class and inject precompiled bootstrap.

See this explanation by somebody who came up with a similar idea and the same package name package name we used to have.

How do I use this stupid thing!!?!?!?!?!

npm install toetag --save

Then in your app's code:

ES6 Style (preferred):

import { bootstrap } from "toetag";

browserify ES5 style:

var bootstrap = require("toetag").bootstrap;

Example use in some dumb React component

import React from "react";
import { bootstrap } from "toetag";
import Color from "color-forge";

export default class MyPrettyPony extends React.Component {
    render() {
    // the pony will run away if you get its haircut too dirty
        const maneColor = Color(bootstrap.grayLighter).mix(Color(bootstrap.grayDark), (this.props.petCount / this.props.ponyPatienceThreshold);

        const ponyStyle = {
            padding: `${bootstrap.paddingBaseVertical} ${bootstrap.paddingBaseHorizontal}`,
            backgroundColor: maneColor

        return (
            <div style={ponyStyle}>Be gentle</div>