NPM package to convert tree-sitter
parsed syntax trees to syntax-highlighted hast
(Hypertext Abstract Syntax Trees).
The main reason for this is so that tree-sitter can be used to syntax-highlight code in unified
projects such as remark
or rehype
. Via plugins such as remark-tree-sitter
npm install tree-sitter-hast
yarn add tree-sitter-hast
is written in TypeScript and includes type definitions, so there is no need to install a separate @types/tree-sitter-hast
package if you are using TypeScript.
Scope Mappings
For syntax highlighting,
this package uses the same process that Atom uses with tree-sitter
The HTML classes that are used for syntax-highlighting do not
correspond directly to nodes in the tree produced by tree-sitter,
so scope mappings are used to specify which classes should be
applied to which syntax nodes.
(You can read mode in Atom's documentation on Creating a Grammar).
Every Atom package that provides language support using the new tree-sitter
also includes a scope mapping,
and this package provides functionality to directly use these packages for highlighting.
To use an atom language package, like any package you first need to install it using npm install
or yarn add
Unfortunately most APM packages are not made available on NPM,
so I've started to make some of them available under the NPM organization @atom-languages
After installing a language package, you can use loadLanguagesFromPackage
to prepare them to be used with tree-sitter-hast
npm install tree-sitter-hast @atom-languages/language-typescript
const treeSitterHast = require('tree-sitter-hast');
.then(languages => {
[ 'flow', 'tsx', 'typescript' ]
Highlighting is made available through the following functions:
highlightText(language, text, [options])
- highlight some plain text, using a language that's been made available byloadLanguagesFromPackage
highlightText(parser, scopeMappings, text, [options])
- highlight some plain text, and use aParser
that's already been preparedhighlightTree(scopeMappings, text, tree, [options])
- highlight a tree that's already been parsed bytree-sitter
The following 3 examples all produce the same output.
npm install tree-sitter-hast @atom-languages/language-typescript
const treeSitterHast = require('tree-sitter-hast');
const text = 'let v = 3';
.then(languages => {
const ts = languages.get('typescript');
const highlighted = treeSitterHast.highlightText(ts, text);
console.log(JSON.stringify(highlighted, null, 2));
const Parser = require('tree-sitter');
const treeSitterHast = require('tree-sitter-hast');
const text = 'let v = 3';
.then(languages => {
const ts = languages.get('typescript');
const parser = new Parser();
const highlighted = treeSitterHast.highlightText(parser, ts.scopeMappings, text);
console.log(JSON.stringify(highlighted, null, 2));
const Parser = require('tree-sitter');
const treeSitterHast = require('tree-sitter-hast');
const text = 'let v = 3';
.then(languages => {
const ts = languages.get('typescript');
const parser = new Parser();
const tree = parser.parse(text);
const highlighted = treeSitterHast.highlightTree(ts.scopeMappings, text, tree);
console.log(JSON.stringify(highlighted, null, 2));
"type": "element",
"tagName": "span",
"properties": {
"className": [
"children": [
"type": "element",
"tagName": "span",
"properties": {
"className": [
"children": [
"type": "text",
"value": "let"
"type": "text",
"value": " v "
Exporting HTML
From this point, converting the HAST to an HTML can be done in a single call using hast-util-to-html
(part of rehype
npm install hast-util-to-html tree-sitter-hast @atom-languages/language-typescript
const toHtml = require('hast-util-to-html');
const Parser = require('tree-sitter');
const treeSitterHast = require('tree-sitter-hast');
const text = 'let v = 3';
.then(languages => {
const ts = languages.get('typescript');
const highlighted = treeSitterHast.highlightText(ts, text);
// stringify to HTML
<span class="source ts"><span class="storage type">let</span> v <span class="keyword operator js">=</span> <span class="constant numeric">3</span></span>
Whitelisting Classes
Sometimes including the full list of classes applied by the scope mappings can be too much, and you'd like to only include those that you have stylesheets for.
To do this, you can pass in a classWhitelist
via the options parameters to highlightText
or highlightTree
npm install hast-util-to-html tree-sitter-hast @atom-languages/language-typescript
const toHtml = require('hast-util-to-html');
const Parser = require('tree-sitter');
const treeSitterHast = require('tree-sitter-hast');
const text = 'let v = 3';
.then(languages => {
const ts = languages.get('typescript');
const highlighted = treeSitterHast.highlightText(ts, text, {classWhitelist: ['storage', 'numeric']});
// stringify to HTML
<span><span class="storage">let</span> v = <span class="numeric">3</span></span>
- Move prepare-language.ts over to highlight-tree-sitter
- Flesh out documentation
- Pull out HAST type definitions into own repo (DefinitelyTyped?)
- Update highlight-tree-sitter to not produce HTML when not needed
- Move over matches patch to highlight-tree-sitter