
Opinionated mini-framework for dealing with state in single-page applications

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import treehouse from '';


Treehouse JS

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Treehouse is an opinionated small javascript framework for writing single-page web apps.

Its main concern is maintaining application state, and organising business logic into actions, that modify the state.

For the view/template layer, you can use your preferred library.

The basic flow as as follows:

  • ALL the state about the system is kept in one immutable state tree. The tree should be normalized (no duplicated data) and JSON serializable, i.e. contains only objects, arrays, strings and numbers.

  • EVERY single input enters the system via an "action". An "input" means:

    • user interaction with the DOM, e.g. a click
    • a message from a websocket
    • a timer/interval callback
    • a URL update
  • An action updates the tree in some way. As the tree is immutable, the whole tree needs to be changed. Treehouse provides "cursor" objects to make this extremely easy.

Usage with React

See Treehouse-React.

The treehouse app

const treehouse = require('treehouse')

Requiring treehouse returns a singleton treehouse app, which ties together all the other components.

Initializing the state tree

  currentUserId: 36,
  // Storing collections of objects keyed by ID is a REALLY GOOD IDEA!
  // Turning it into an array is super-easy with a "query" (see below)
  films: {
    id1: {title: "Inception", id: 'id1', rating: 86},
    id2: {title: "Dead Man's Shoes", id: 'id2', rating: 57},
    id3: {title: "Groundhog Day", id: 'id3', rating: 96}
  modalIsOpen: false


Given that the tree should be immutable (which has great benefits when using with libraries like React), if we wanted to update the rating of "Dead Man's Shoes" to 84, then if we had a plain javascript object we'd need to update every branch up to the root, which would look something like this:

let newTree = Object.assign(
    films: Object.assign(
        id2: Object.assign(
            rating: 84

Yuk! Even with Javascript spread syntax it would be pretty bad, and what's more, error-prone.

Cursors hold a reference to the tree object internally, and update parent branches for us, so instead we can just do'films', 'id2', 'rating').set(84)  // .at(...) returns a Cursor object

We can also update using a "reducer" function, which should always return a new object'films', 'id2', 'rating').update(rating => rating + 27)

Furthermore, because this will be used so often, update is aliased to $.

Treehouse provides a few reducer functions in 'treehouse/reducers', and typically the user will wish to define their own. Any extra args sent to update/$ are passed to the reducer.

  import { merge } from 'treehouse/reducers/Object''films', 'id2').$(merge, {rating: 84})

Furthermore, you can register reducers using

  append: (string, extra) => {
    return string + extra


and then use by name'films', 'id2', 'title').$('append', ": The Movie")

To get the raw data at cursor, use get'films', 'id2', 'rating').get()  // 84


As described above, every single input that might change the state should enter the system via an "action".

Each action's main job is to update the state tree. Each registered function takes the state tree, and a single payload argument.

First register actions


  updateRating (tree, {filmId, rating}) => {'items', filmId, 'rating').set(rating)



To call the action, we build it with

let action = treehouse.action('updateRating')

and call it when we need to

action({filmId: 'id2', rating: 84})

Alternatively, we can pass the payload in when building (effectively currying the payload argument)

let action = treehouse.action('updateRating', {filmId: 'id2', rating: 84})

and call it with


This works particularly well with libraries like React, where we can do things like

<a onClick={treehouse.action('updateRating', {filmId, rating: this.state.rating})}>Update Rating</a>

Asynchronous actions

If you change the tree asynchronously in an action, you should call another action once the asynchronous event has happened. A third argument is provided for this


  getUsersFromServer: (tree, {filmId}, action) => {
    server.getRating(filmId).then((rating) => {
      action('updateRating')({filmId, rating})



Queries query the tree and return data. They are automatically cached, and only change when any parts of the tree it cares about are changed.


  filmsByName: {
    deps: (t) => { // Declare dependencies
      return {
    get: ({films}) => {
      return Object.values(films).sort((a, b) => {
        return a.title < b.title


Once registered, they can be accessed with


The actual data can be accessed with get

treehouse.query('filmsByName').get() // [{id: "id2", ...}, ...]

Any arguments are passed as a second argument to the registered get function


  bestFilms: {
    deps: (t) => {
      return {
    get: ({films}, {minRating}) => {
      let bestFilms = [], id
      for (id in films) {
        if(films[id].rating >= minRating) bestFilms.push(films[id])
      return bestFilms


let query = treehouse.query('bestFilms', {minRating: 90})


Cursors, e.g.'some', 'path') and queries, e.g. treehouse.query('someQuery', {some: 'args'}) can be streamed through a filter, e.g.'some', 'path').filter('orderBy', {key: 'date'})

Registering one is very easy - just give a function that takes data and returns the filtered data, e.g.


  orderBy: (array, args) => {
    //...return new ordered array



Create a "TreeView" by selecting the items you care about

let treeView = treehouse.pick((t) => {
  return {
    messages:'path', 'to', 'messages').filter('latest'),
    unread: t.query('numUnreadMessages')

Get data

treeView.get()   // {
                 //   messages: [...],
                 //   unread: 7462964
                 // }

To watch for data changes at any of the specified paths => { // (the callback yields the treeView itself)
  // ...

To unwatch


Setting through filters, queries and treeViews

Given a cursor'selectedUserID') we can both get() and set(value).

But what about something that's been filtered, e.g.'users').filter('objectToArray'), or a query, e.g. treehouse.query('selectedUserName')?

Treehouse doesn't let you set through filters, queries and treeViews, because you're encouraged to update any state within actions, using just cursors onto the tree.

However, you can retrieve a list of changes that need to happen by "putting back" values through filters or queries (or cursors).

Putting values back through cursors

This simply returns the changes that need to happen, e.g.

  let changes ='some', 'path').putBack(4)
  changes // [{path: ['some', 'path'], value: 4}]

Putting values back through filters

If a filter can be defined two-way, e.g. to filter between

"some words"  <------>  "SOME WORDS"

then we can register both a forward and reverse filter function

  upcase: {
    forward: (string) => {
      return string.toUpperCase()
    reverse: (string) => {
      return string.toLowerCase()

Then putting back through the filter calls the reverse function on the way through.

let stream ='words').filter('upcase')
let changes = stream.putBack('NEW WORDS')
changes // [{path: ['words'], value: 'new words'}]

Setting through queries

We can add a change option to the query declaration, which should return an object with changes to be made

  selectedUserName: {
    deps (t) {
      return {
    get ({users, id}) {
      return users[id].name
    change (name, {users}) {
      let user = users.find(user => == name)
      return {
        id:  // Keys should match with keys from the deps, and value is the new value it should be set to

Then we get changes to be made with

let changes = treehouse.query('selectedUserName').putBack('Robinson Crusoe')
changes //  [{path: ['selectedUserID'], value: 63}]

Setting through a treeView

A treeview simply collates the changes made from each item

let treeView = treehouse.pick((t) => {
  return {
    thing:'some', 'path'),
    runners: t.query('fastestRunners')

let changes = treeView.putBack({
  thing: ...,
  latestUsers: ...,
  runners: ...

changes  // [
              { path: [....], value: ... },

Obviously this only works if each item is defined correctly as two-way, as above.

Applying changes

We can apply changes to any cursor with apply

tree.apply(changes)  // tree here is a cursor, like the one yielded in actions

Building up changes like this is how the Treehouse Router works. It collects changes to be made when a url is changed, then this list of changes can be passed directly into the "url changed" action, and changes applied accordingly.