Tree Node
Simple tree data structure in JS, designed specifically to organize related data in such a way that it can be consumed by tree diagram visualizations, and so that "leaf" nodes (endpoints) can be quickly identified.
npm install treenode --save
// Import the class
var TreeNode = require('treenode').TreeNode;
// Create a tree by adding a single node, with a data object payload.
// This will be the root node. tree is a TreeNode object:
// {data: {id: 0, name: 'root'}, parent: null, children: []}
var tree = new TreeNode({id: 0, name: 'root'});
// Add children to the root. This returns the newly created child's
// TreeNode object.
tree.addChild({id: 1, name: 'Node 1'});
// Add child nodes to child nodes
var child = tree.addChild({id: 2, name: 'Node 2'});
child.addChild({id: 3, name: 'Node 3' });
// Get a count of the node's immediate children
tree.numChildren() // 2
child.numChildren() // 1
// Obtain the tree's leaves (end nodes), from the point of the called node.
// Returns an array of TreeNode objects for node 1 and node 3. Node 2 is not
// returned since it is not a leaf.
var leaves = tree.leaves();
// Find data in a tree
var node = tree.addChild(someObject);
var match = tree.find(someObject); // match === node
// Find the tree root, from any node
var root = node.root();
// Execute a function on each node in the tree
node.forEach(function(element) {'processed';
npm test
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code.
Release History
- 0.2.3 Make forEach() properly recursive
- 0.2.2 Don't assume existence of children array. Added numChildren() helper
- 0.2.1 Remove sourcemaps from non-minified prod file
- 0.2.0 Add forEach() to execute a function on each node in a tree
- 0.1.4 Better module export syntax
- 0.1.3 Updated packaging for Bower
- 0.1.2 Updated packaging
- 0.1.1 Updated packaging
- 0.1.0 Initial release