
[View Trello’s API documentation online][apidocs]. For information on Trello’s API development, visit [their Trello board][trellotrello], of course.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import trelloTools from '';


Some Node.js Trello API examples

View Trello’s API documentation online. For information on Trello’s API development, visit their Trello board, of course.


npm install trello_tools

Getting your key and token

  • Generate your developer key and supply it as the first constructor parameter.
  • To read a user’s private information, get a token by directing them to<PUBLIC_KEY>&name=MyApp&response_type=token&scope=read,write replacing, of course, <PUBLIC_KEY> with the public key obtained in the first step.
  • If you need write access as well as read, &scope=read,write to the request for your user token.


This project uses the peanut function testing tool for node.js

The tests that are included are meant to get you familiar with the Trello API using the node-trello project.

Take a look at the code in: features/step_definitions to see what is going on in each scenario from features/trello.feature


You'll need to create a config/environments/test/settings.js based on the example file found there.

You'll need to provide a key, token and board name.

SUPER IMPORTANT NOTE: When you run the tests, all existing lanes and cards on the named board will be archived. Do not, under any circumstances, reference a board that is currently in use. You should create a totally new board to reference for this code.

Make sure that peanut is installed:

npm install -g peanut

