Trexle.js - Node.js module forTrexle.js is an node.js API client for Trexle an online recurring subscription billing platform with support to 100+ payments gateways. The module has wrapped all documented Trexle resources.
Getting started
npm install trexlejs
First instantiate trexlejs by passing in your api key
var Trexle = require('trexlejs');
var trexle = Trexle.setup({
key: 'yourkey',
production: false
// fields is an object, see the example for more info
trexle.createCard(fields, callback)
trexle.createCustomer(fields, callback)
trexle.refundCharge(chargeId, fields, callback)
trexle.retrieveCharge(chargeId, callback)
trexle.createCharge(fields, callback)
trexle.captureCharge(uncapturedChargeToken, callback)
This is the basic syntax of how to create a new charge, checkout the demos folder for the rest of the methods
var Trexle = require('trexlejs');
var trexle = Trexle.setup({
key: 'your-api-key',
production: false
amount: 400,
currency: 'usd',
description: 'test charge',
email: '',
ip_address: '',
card: {
number: '4242424242424242',
expiry_month: 8,
expiry_year: 2018,
cvc: 123,
name: 'John Milwood',
address_line1: '423 Shoreline Park',
address_city: 'Mountain View',
address_postcode: 94043,
address_state: 'CA',
address_country: 'US'
}, function (response) {