
True Wind Calculator

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import trueWind from '';


True Wind Calculator

Calculate true wind direction speed from vessel speed, apparent wind direction and speed.


The first argument is an options object. {speed: 6.5, heading: 200, awd: 350, aws: 5, awa: 150}

  • speed - Vessel Speed
  • heading - Vessel True Heading
  • awd - Apparent Wind Direction (0-360) (relative to true north)
  • awa - Apparent Wind Angle (0-360) (relative to bow) Overrides awd and heading options.
  • aws - Apparent Wind Speed (relative to the boat). Units must match speed option.

Returns {}

Each value is rounded to nearest hundredth.

  • twa - True Wind Angle
  • twd - True Wind Direction (Requires heading and awd input.)
  • twsr - True Wind Speed as a ratio to speed input.
  • tws - True Wind Speed in units as sent to function.
var truewind = require('truewind');

var ops = {
  speed: 6.5, heading: 200, awd: 350, aws: 5

var res = truewind(ops); // { twa: 167, twd: 367, twsr: 1.71, tws: 11.11 }