
A Webpack loader that uses Truffle to load and provision solidity contracts, with Truffle migrations.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import truffleConfluxSolidityLoader from '';



A Webpack loader that allows importing a solidity contract directly. Importing returns a truffle artifact json object. This allows smart contract development with Hot Reloading support and enables migrations to automatically re-run on change. When running a production build, contracts will be bundled into main bundle for easy deployment.


const Web3 = require("web3"); // currently compatible up to web3@1.0.0-beta.37
const provider = new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("http://localhost:8545");
const contract = require("truffle-conflux-contract");

import myContractArtifact from '../contracts/MyContract.sol';
const MyContract = contract(myContractArtifact);


You can see this plugin in operation in the Truffle+Webpack Demo App. The demo is for Truffle 4.0 & Webpack 4.

This package will re-run migration scripts whenever solidity files are modified. If you have multiple solidity files, the entire project will be redeployed.


$ npm install --save-dev truffle-conflux-solidity-loader

Add the appropriate config to your loaders section of your Webpack 4 config:

  test: /\.sol/,
  use: [
      loader: 'json-loader'
      loader: 'truffle-conflux-solidity-loader',
      options: {
        network: 'ganache',

Webpack applies loaders right to left, therefore the output of truffle-conflux-solidity-loader goes into json-loader.

truffle-conflux-config.js integration

The loader will auto detect a truffle-conflux-config.js (or truffle.js) config file in your project and use that for configuration.

Loader options

  • migrations_directory: The path truffle migration scripts
  • network: A network name to use
  • contracts_build_directory: path to directory of truffle JSON artifacts
  test: /\.sol/,
  use: [
      loader: 'json-loader'
      loader: 'truffle-conflux-solidity-loader',
      options: {
        network: 'ganache',
        migrations_directory: path.resolve(__dirname, './migrations'),
        contracts_build_directory: path.resolve(__dirname, './build/contracts')


  • Open an issue to report bugs or provide feedback.
  • Submit PRs.
  • Respect the project coding style: StandardJS.

