
utility to auto generate web3 functions for each truffle contract

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import truffleWeb3Generator from '';




This package is to generate js web3 functions for all truffle contracts artifact

Why do we need it ?

To save your time :)

to use

  • as truffle plugin :
    • add the package to your truffle project npm install truffle-web3-generator
    • add the plugin to truffle-config.js plugins: [ plugins: [ 'truffle-web3-generator' ]
    • truffle run generate
    • or truffle run generate -d YOUR_ARTIFACT_PATH -p YOUR_PROVIDER
  • as node package
    • npm install
    • truffle-generate -d YOUR_ARTIFACT_PATH -p YOUR_PROVIDER
    • you can use it inside any truffle project , run truffle migrate then truffle-generate it will take the default contract artifacts you can spacify the provider through this flag --provider or -p otherwise , it will take the default


this is inital setup and there are many edits should be done .