
A schema enforcement mechanism for payloads for truflux-msg

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import trufluxMsgSchema from '';


Truflux Message Schema

To install

npm install --save truflux-msg-schema

This module is used to wrap message handlers one would use with a truflux-msg module to check that the payload data conforms to a specified schema

    var EnforceSchema = require ('truflux-msg-schema');

        Lets assume that the login function must be provided with an object that must have an id number property
        and a password string property

    function loginFunction(id, payload, socket)
         * Do something 
    function schemaErrorHandler(id,payload,socket)
        socket.send('SomeErrorMessage','Your message was not in the correct schema');

    var schema=
            id       : {type :'number'},
            password : {type :'string'},

    var wrappedLogin  = schemaEnforce(loginFunction,schema,schemaErrorHandler),


 * Wraps a function in a schema enforce to make sure that the payload matches a specified schema
 * @param  {Function} handler  function(id,payload,socket)
 * @param  {Object} schema               
 * @param  {Function} schemaFailedCallback A callback that must be called if the schema is not satisfied function(id,payload,socket,)
 * @return {Function} function(id,payload,socket)  The wrapped function              

The schema object's type can be * to allow any type, or it can be an array if you want to allow multiple types

    var someSchema=
        type  : 'object'
        props :
            bufferProperty   : { type : 'buffer' },
            arrayProperty    : { type : 'array'  },
            booleanProperty  : { type : 'boolean'},
            stringProperty   : { type : 'string' },
            numberProperty   : { type : 'number' },
            anyProperty      : { type : '*'      },
            multipleProperty : { type : ['object','undefined']},
            nestedProperty   :
                    somePropert : {type:'*}
