Try to execute a function, or return default value if it fails (exception was rised). This helper package can be used in an enviroment that exceptions are tolerable. Where you just want a fallback value to go on and dont really care about handling occured exception.
Work well with Node.js. I didn't try in browser yet.
Install using npm
npm install tryordefault
Example of usage
To wrap something that may break, just fallback to default value on failed
const {tryOrDefault} = require('tryordefault');
// in this example, this function which will surely throw an exception
function functionThatMayFail() {
return JSON.parse("{]");
// basic usage
let parsedObject = tryOrDefault(
functionThatMyFail, // function that has potential exception
{} // default value to be returned when exception occurs
To define constant
const {tryOrDefault} = require('tryordefault');
// Instead of this ...
let parsedObject = {};
try {
parsedObject = JSON.parse(somethingThatMayBeNotValidJSONString);
} catch (e) {}
// Now you can define a const like this
const parsedObject = tryOrDefault(
() => JSON.parse(somethingThatMayBeNotValidJSONString), // function that has potential exception
{} // default value to be returned when exception occurs
To add default value to async function
// use tryOrDefaultAsync function, if you work inside async context or to deal with async function.
const {tryOrDefaultAsync} = require('tryordefault');
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
(async () => {
const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
const page = await browser.newPage();
// Let's navigate to IMdb,
// and try to fetch some information about "Justice League" (did u watch it? :3)
await page.goto('');
// Try to get the movie title
// For some reason, if h1 is not there, blank will be returned
const title = await tryOrDefaultAsync(
async () => await page.$eval("h1[itemprop='name']", h1 => h1.innerText),
// Try to get the release year
// some title on imdb doesn't have #titleYear, so it's be better to fallback to blank string
// You may also want to take advantage of the function, to define constant
const year = await tryOrDefaultAsync(
async () => await page.$eval("#titleYear", yearEl => yearEl.innerText),
title: title,
year: year
await browser.close();