Algorithms Utils TS
A set of algorithms for your project.
yarn add ts-algorithm-utils
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1. Sorting Algos
1.1 Quick Sort.
// import sort algo factory.
import {SortFactory, SortAlgo, Sort} from 'ts-algorithm-utils';
// set an unsorted array.
const arr = [9, 7, 5, 11, 12, 2, 14, 3, 10, 6];
// get the quick sort object from
const sortAlgo: Sort<number> = SortFactory.make(SortAlgo.QUICK_SORT);
// sort the array.
const sorted = sortAlgo.sort(arr, 0, arr.length - 1);
// log the output.
1.2 Merge Sort.
// import sort algo factory.
import {SortFactory, SortAlgo, Sort} from 'ts-algorithm-utils';
// set an unsorted array.
const arr = [9, 7, 5, 11, 12, 2, 14, 3, 10, 6];
// get the quick sort object from
const sortAlgo: Sort<number> = SortFactory.make(SortAlgo.MERGE_SORT);
// sort the array.
const sorted = sortAlgo.sort(arr);
// log the output.
1.3 Bubble Sort.
// import sort algo factory.
import {SortFactory, SortAlgo, Sort} from 'ts-algorithm-utils';
// set an unsorted array.
const arr = [9, 7, 5, 11, 12, 2, 14, 3, 10, 6];
// get the quick sort object from
const sortAlgo: Sort<number> = SortFactory.make(SortAlgo.BUBBLE_SORT);
// sort the array.
const sorted = sortAlgo.sort(arr);
// log the output.
1.4 Selection Sort.
// import sort algo factory.
import {SortFactory, SortAlgo, Sort} from 'ts-algorithm-utils';
// set an unsorted array.
const arr = [9, 7, 5, 11, 12, 2, 14, 3, 10, 6];
// get the quick sort object from
const sortAlgo: Sort<number> = SortFactory.make(SortAlgo.SELECTION_SORT);
// sort the array.
const sorted = sortAlgo.sort(arr);
// log the output.
1.5 Insertion Sort.
// import sort algo factory.
import {SortFactory, SortAlgo, Sort} from 'ts-algorithm-utils';
// set an unsorted array.
const arr = [9, 7, 5, 11, 12, 2, 14, 3, 10, 6];
// get the quick sort object from
const sortAlgo: Sort<number> = SortFactory.make(SortAlgo.INSERTION_SORT);
// sort the array.
const sorted = sortAlgo.sort(arr);
// log the output.
1.6 Radix Sort.
// import sort algo factory.
import {SortFactory, SortAlgo, Sort} from 'ts-algorithm-utils';
// set an unsorted array.
const arr = [9, 7, 5, 11, 12, 2, 14, 3, 10, 6];
// get the quick sort object from
const sortAlgo: Sort<number> = SortFactory.make(SortAlgo.RADIX_SORT);
// sort the array.
const sorted = sortAlgo.sort(arr);
// log the output.